Monday, May 11, 2009

Educating The Immigrants

The Dutch have had it with Immigration, or, uh, with Muslim immigrants. They have come up with a clever way of discouraging Muslims from moving to Holland in droves, as they have been doing for the past 10 years or so. Because many in Holland fear the rising numbers of radical Muslims who have put an economic, social and political strain on Holland, the government is now using some subtle ways of making Holland look like anything but the Muslim promised land. You see, now anyone who immigrates into Holland must be "educated" in the ways of Dutch life, including an understanding of tolerance and legal restraint.
So why would that upset Muslims? Well, one example is that every one of them must sit and watch a film on gay and lesbian sex. Haha That's right. The government shows them a movie that highlights the freedoms that Dutch citizens have to be and practice their homosexuality. Within the film are nude scenes of gays having sex, something that is a no no for any self respecting Koran carrying Muslim. Surely, Muslims are outraged, and the government hopes, the word will be that Holland is too sexually free to move there.
Time will tell if such social pressures will chase extremists elsewhere, and the government swears it isn't trying to chase them anyway. The Dutch Immigration Office says it is only "educating newcomers to the ways to which they must adapt". But it's clear this and other new tactics countries use to discourage the wholesale flood of "undesirable" immigrants is on the rise. I doubt if it will do anything except offend those Muslims who watch the film and then become new residents of Holland. They really don't care enough about Holland's sexual habits anyway. Immigrants want economic, political and religious freedom, something few Muslims countries ever offer.
The Dumb Traffic Ticket of the Week award goes to the Los Angeles police department after an 82 year old woman received a $114 ticket for taking too long to cross a street. That's right! Mavis Coyle needs to put more zip in her old legs if she crosses the street in LA. An officer ticketed her for obstructing traffic after Mavis couldn't get across the street within the 20 second time allotted by the street light. "I think it's completely outrageous, " Mavis said after getting her citation. "He (the police officer) treated me like a 6-year old, like I don't know what I'm doing."
The police say it is concerned that slow walkers may be hit and killed at the intersection, but the 20 second time length appears to be too short even for teenagers, who are often unable to make it across in time. Hehe Maybe Mavis should insist on a police escort every time she needs to cross the street.

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