Monday, May 11, 2009

I Come To Bury Ceasar, Not Raise.....

Today I am writing about burials. I know neither of us is planning to die any time soon. But have you noticed the crazy alternatives available today to being buried in a cemetery? Yes, there are other ways than loading a person in a casket and putting them in a tomb or the ground, other alternatives to cremation. Hehe Get your printer reader to copy this because I am going to give you the hottest of burial strategies. Here are 5 ways to do it differently.
1) Eternal Reefs- This idea comes from the Atlanta, Georgia company of the same name. Eternal Reefs will mix your cremated remains into decorated balls of cast concrete. The concrete is then placed offshore and inscribed with a bronze plaque for a "permanent living legacy". Depending on how fancy your object, the cost is from $1,000-$5000 for an Eternal Reefs burial. Eternal Reefs even has space for your pet as well.
2) Burying Up- A Houston, Texas company called Space Services Incorporated has a more vertical way for your body to be buried. For $1000 they will put your cremated remains in a vial and blast it into orbit. If you fork over another $4,300 SSI will launch the deceased's remains in an aluminum tube that orbits the atmosphere for up to 60 years. Gee...I hope you don't come down on me when you fall back to earth. I could be killed that way.
3) In With The Trees- British firm Biopresence has come up with this trendy ecologically approved way to be buried. It merges human DNA with a tree to form a "custom tree" that transcodes the essence of the person who has died to create what it calls "transgenic tombstones". Hmmmmmmmm I wonder if chopping down a "custom tree" constitutes murder? 4) Freeze Dried Bodies- The Swedish can be blamed for this one. Promesa Organic in Nosund, Sweden will freeze dry your remains by dipping the body in a liquid and ten vibrate it to powder as a vacuum removes the body's liquids. Metals from teeth or other body parts are are removed and the powder put in a starch box which is buried. Within a year the box and contents biodegrade into the soil. Sigh...I think I may never drink freeze dried coffee again.
5) Wearable Remains- A Chicago company called Lifegem makes synthetic diamonds using the carbon from a deceased's body. Yep! You can wear mom or dad around your neck as a jewelry statement. But it's not cheap. A one carat blue diamond granny stone costs $20,000. Hmmmmmm I wonder if they can use Zirconia and cut their prices a bit.

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