Sunday, May 3, 2009

Venezuelan Beauty

Have you noticed all the furor about Venezuelan beauty? You know, those plastic surgery induced beauties from Venezuela that seem the rage today. I first hear that the ladies in Venezuela were the world's loveliest here on the net. That theme keeps popping up from time to time on web sites, in ads, and in news articles about plastic surgery. It seems that every woman there, rich or poor, has to have cosmetic surgery to keep pace with the demand for beauty.
In Venezuela, beauty isn't necessarily something a person is born with. It's a life long pursuit that has evolved into an industry that has created a national obsession and become a part of daily life there. Not just in plastic surgery, but in all beauty aids. It is said that in Venezuela beauty salons and spas out number drugstores.
Women can be seen in a non stop ritual applying make-up in public places, teenagers aged 15 regularly have boob jobs for their traditional "coming of age presents". And have you noticed that Venezuelan women are often the winners of Miss Universe and other international beauty pageants? Even men are involved in make-overs. (I know I need a make-over!) It is said that Venezuelan men long for the metro sexual look, having waxings, liposuctions and bicep and pectoral implants.
So, as Venezuelans say, there country is known for three things- oil, baseball players and beautiful women. But how can this be given that Venezuela is such a poor county? Almost half the population lives in poverty. Yet this does not deter the impoverished Venezuelan from fixating on her physical appearance. Almost every woman not only dreams of plastic surgery, she has it down. If necessary, the poor save many years for their operations.
Hmmmmmm Being a male who likes to see pretty ladies I decided to check out this Venezuelan beauty idea. Hehe This is for research only...not necessarily for reasons of lust. I typed into a search engine "Venezuelan women" and found more than enough gorgeous ladies to confirm what all the fuss is about.
Wow! There does seem to be a disportionate amount of Venezuelan ladies on line, and not a one is less than pretty. I guess beauty can be skin deep, and in Venezuela the skin isn't always naturally formed, but very alluring.
There is a mini rebellion "brewing" in the Dutch army today. It seems that "sober" Dutch troops helping the survivors of the recent Pakistani earthquake have complained bitterly that while Holland makes them conform to an alcohol ban while in Muslim pakistan, Spanish and British troops laugh at them and turn up roaring drunk at their campfires. Dutch troops were told by their commanders that drinking is unacceptable to the Muslim population, and that to be welcomed there Dutch soldiers would have to "dry out" while in Pakistan."
The Spanish drive around with cars full of Heineken....and the English laugh at us when they show up at our campfire drunk,' said one Dutch soldier who was interviewed by media there. No truth to the rumor that the Dutch army in Pakistan was seen recently wearing British uniforms....

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