Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day Without IIlegals March

Did you see those Hispanic illegals "marching for freedom" here the other day? What a disgusting site the "Day Without Immigrants" (they mean "illegal immigrants" but try to tie legal and illegal together to justify their wrong) marches were. They were meant to disrupt business and highlight the alleged( bur false) notion that the U.S. economy depends on illegal immigrants.
Their protests were against proposals in the U.S. Congress to make illegal immigration a crime and to cut off the generous benefits ( free education, medical care etc.) that illegal immigrants receive when they walk into the U.S. But that march may have been a miscalculation by the illegal immigrants leaders. I think it has awakened many Americans to the fact that illegal immigration is costly to the country economically, socially and symbolically., and that it must be controlled.
The sights on TV news casts of illegal immigrants openly announcing their status, demanding special privileges and rights, waving Mexican and other national flags, proclaiming that they are "the U.S. economy", may have focused Americans that those people are a net drag on the U.S. not a benefit. I think the effect of the marches will be to crystallize opposition to the illegals and undermine what they have had in this country so many years- freedom to engage in illegal entry, work and benefits that are offered in no other country in the world.
The great irony of the march is that if those Hispanic illegals would have marched and demanded the same in their own countries (which is what they should be doing anyway) they would have been arrested or shot e immediately after setting foot on the streets of the protest. The economic effect of the boycott of work was almost non existent, showing that illegal claims of their importance to the economy here are greatly exaggerated.
In fact, it showed legal Americans that they "don't need illegals here, that illegals do more harm than good". So I think the march was a political gain for the anti illegal advocate and a big loss for the illegals. Well, give me your impression of the illegal immigrant controversy here.
What does 62 year old retired schoolteacher Claudia Lee like to do in her free time? According to Claudia's cable TV provider it's watching porn and gangsta rap programming. That's right. Cablevision in Yonkers, New York has sent Claudia a $1,431 cable porn bill that Claudia says has to be a mistake. The charges appeared on Claudia's bill shortly after she bundled her cable TV, computer and phone services. "They are harassing me and trying to force me to pay for something I didn't do, "said Claudia.
Claudia lives alone and swears someone must have pirated her service and ran up those charges. Given that she has already paid almost $800 in the charges after repeatedly being told to "Pay or lose your services". Claudia is beside herself despite the cable company saying that someone in her home did order that programming. "Impossible!" says Claudia. The only regular visitor to her home is her 81 year old mother. "I don't think she wants to watch porn, " said Claudia.

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