Sunday, May 3, 2009

Murderous Flood

The flood of illegal immigrants from Mexico touch us here in my own suburb of New Orleans the other day when one of them raped and murdered a jogger in Lafreniere Park near my home. Such crimes are very rare here, but this one is just one concrete example of the type of Hispanic illegals flooding (invading?) the U.S. now.
It's not the first violent crime by those illegals wither. Since the storm we have had a number of them arrested for looting damaged homes, dealing drugs, violent assaults on locals etc. But this murder is the worst of their criminal acts In communities all over the U.S. crime is soaring among the illegal immigrant crowd. Despite the t rhetoric from politicians that they "just come here to work and are good people", many are not.
Most fit that profile but hundreds of thousands would never be allowed in this country or any other if they were to file for legal immigration. Some have extensive criminal and gang backgrounds and have even resorted to entering the U.S, armed with high teach weapons they will use in crime here.
It amazes me that the American people do not demand that this invasion stop. Given they support Bush's phony war on phantom terrorists I am puzzled that Americans don't see that adding 40 million poor, uneducated and sometimes criminal people in a sudden rush is not bad for the U.S. Democracy works well when citizens demand it do so. But right now we are too enamored with ipods, cell phones, Hollywood movies and American idol TV to see that is the single greatest threat to our society- the invasion of millions of illegal immigrants.
How much is your dog or other pet worth to you? Its probably not something you could put a price tag on. But one man, Mark Greenup, of Portland Oregon says his dog was worth 1.6 million dollars to him.
How do we know this? It's because Mark filed a lawsuit for that amount against Raymond Weaver after Raymond accidentally ran over Mark's golden retreiver/cocker spaniel with his car in an accident that Raymond says should make him a millionaire. The dog, who was 13 years old and named Grizz, had to be euthanized because of the injuries suffered, and now Law Suit Mark says he and his whole family have been deprived of "solace, affection, friendship, love and protection" because of their loss of Grizz. So Mark wants Raymond to show him the money to make all that pain go away.
But Mark is a greedy one and "barking up the wrong tree" in this frivolous lawsuit. The law in Oregon and every other U.S. state is explicit. By law, dogs are defined as personal property, meaning that no litigant can claim non economic damages for loss (of personal property). Let's hope the Portland courthouse take a dim view of greedy Mark, growls at him and bites him in the butt if he tries to pursue this kind of howling any further.

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