Monday, May 11, 2009

Got Milk

There are too many kinds of cows milk today! I notice that every time I ventured to a grocery store and see the line of milk and "milk products". Shakespeare might have restate his famous line that "he's too full of the milk of kindness" and just said that "the grocery is too full of the milk of imitation". Today there are too many milks available, especially those low or reduced fat milks. And what it has done is to make kids hate milk, and caused them to drink too little of it. Who wants to drink theses varieties of milk, all easily obtained at any grocery store here?
* Reduced Fat/Low Fat Milk- These kinds have most of the fat taken out and are a watery, tasteless mess that "experts" say is healthy for us. Try cooking with these and you'll end up with a runny mess. Fat is not always bad for humans and in milk it is necessary. I sneer at these kinds of milk
* Fat Free Milk- This used to be called "skim milk" because all the fat was skimmed off. It is essentially colored a water, but the milk makers often add flavoring to trick us into drinking it, That's great for them , as they use the fat in a world of good tasting milk products, but bad for us because fat free milk tastes like rain water that has been sitting next to a curb for a week or so.
* Organic Milk- The trendy organic food craze is embedded in milk sales. This milk comes form cows which are fed and raised without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics or hormones. In other words, like all the milk that was sold 30 years ago. It has a longer self life, but it is much more expensive.
* Imitation and Substitute Milks- An imitation milk does not the government definitions for nutritional equivalency with whole milk (the real stuff). A substitute milk is a phony milk product with all the nutritional equivalent to milk but none of the taste, fat or texture of whole milk.
* Soy Milk And Diary Beverages- How can they call derivatives of soy beans "milk"? It's a bean!! And those dairy beverages are often mostly water with a little skim milk added. Ugh! So my purpose of writing all this is an explanation of why kids don't want to drink milk anymore. They don't drink it because it tastes bad. Is that too hard for mom and dad to understand? Anything that is less than whole milk, directly from the cow, will not taste like milk. In fact, it will taste like badly flavored water. One can't drink that stuff, nor cook anything edible with it.
Kids are too often feed the substitutes, are turned off ny it and won't drink the real milk when given. Why do kids love those thick milkshakes? It's because of the fat in them. They taste good and they taste of milk. Mom might buy her child some chocolate whole milk to get the little one's attention, and then alternate chocolate beverage feedings with plain whole milk. I think we would se kids drinking milk again and eschewing soft drinks and other less healthy beverages. It's because almost all kids really like milk- the real fatty ilk that comes form a cow. It would be nice if I could enter my grocery store one day and see that line of milk, see that it consists of nothing but whole milk. My belief is that if milk isn't directly as it comes from the cow I am not interested in drinking it. I offer a toast to that ...Uh...a whole milk toast that is.
The crazy law suit of the week comes from Wellington, New Zealand. Lisa Lewis, who dashed into a rugby match wearing a skimpy bikini wants to auction the bikini only to pay for her court costs and fine. But the unnamed man who was once her boyfriend and who gave her the bikini, says "no way".
The ex says that not only did he pay for the bikini, but also over $9000 for Lisa's boob job that made her look good enough to exhibit herself to the crowd the day Lisa ran onto the field during a rugby match between Ireland and New Zealand. The ex wants the sale to stop. (It already has a bid of over $2100). Lisa says "help me pay my court costs", and the poor judge who has to rule on this foolishness is probably contemplating a career change.

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