Sunday, May 3, 2009

Defining Hurtful Speech

Indulge me to rant a little more as an addendum to the Ann Coulter remarks I made yesterday. Oh for the days when people were free to be offensive. That line of mine may sound odd, but hold on and I will explain. It has to do with political correctness, that is not saying anything that might hurt anyone's feelings anytime.
The latest example of thought control involves the San Diego School system which sued recently for the right to stop "hurtful T shirts" and won their case. In a 2-1 decision by a three court panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals the judges ruled that public schools in California can bar clothing with slogans that are "hurtful" (What is that? One person's hurt might be another's joy???).
It all was in response to the suit by a student in the San Diego School District who sued the schools fro forbidding him to wear a T Shirt which says "Homosexuality is Shameful". In arguments before the court the student claimed the school's dress code violated his free speech (I wonder if the school would have banned a T Shirt that said "Christianity is the Best Religious Belief" or "Divorce Hurts Children". I doubt it, but some would also be "hurt" by those opinions), religious freedom and due process rights. The school contended that the slogan might "raise tension" at the school where there had been one previous conflict between gay and straight students.
The majority opinion that ruled in the vote wa expressed by Judge Stephen Reinhardt who wrote in his opinion that, "The demeaning of young gay and lesbian students in a school environment is detrimental not only to their psychological health and well being, but also to their educational development. The dissenting judge, Alex Kozinski, who opposed the court decision wrote in defense of the student who sued. "The types of speech that could be banned by the school authorities under the Poway High School hate policy are practically without limit. Any speech code that has at its heart avoiding offense to others gives anyone with a thin skin a heckler's veto.
I agree with the second judge that it is impossible and unreasonable to ban "hurtful slogans" because to do so would ban all slogans (since at least one person is offended by anything written). There was no evidence that any student at the school was in imminent danger if exposed to that T Shirt slogan. Further, isn't school the place where kids learn about intolerance, and why it is bad? Would not any reasonable student know that a slogan such as the one reviewed in this case is foolish? Wouldn't most students simply ignore an expression of hate? Why does the legal system have to regulate kids' thoughts? Why can't kids learn naturally what is appropriate or inappropriate speech? Education should allow kids the chance to fight bigotry on their own, not with legislative mandates.
Kids learn best when they are given the freedom to both err and to correct errors themselves. I think the shirt should be allowed, even though I disagree with its hateful message.. As for the two judges who taught a lesson to the student body of Powtan High that crushing free speech is better than confronting it, I say the kids at the school should print another T Shirt slogan to wear at school next week. How about "Judges Should Learn The Value Of Free Speech". Be careful who you hire when you need carpentry, I mean you should beware if hiring Percy Honniball, 50, of Oakland, California.
You see Percy is liable to show you his "wood", all types including personal "wood". It's because Percy likes to work in the nude. He was arrested yesterday after a client returned home early and found Percy, with wood showing, building bookcases in he nude. The startled employer called police and Percy was given a misdemeanor summons for indecent exposure after telling police that he had to disrobe in order to crawl under the owner's home, since to do it clothed would soil his outfit. Too, Percy says working naked gives him "a better range of motion" while working. "
In certain situations such as demolitions where you are smashing rock you want to be clothed and protected because the rock can harm you," he told police. This is the fourth time Percy has been caught working while displaying his jewels and is currently on court probation because of the last incident. I know what you are thinking....whether I write my E mail while naked. Hmmmmmmmm I better not say but I sure feel free to move around as I type to you.

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