Sunday, May 3, 2009

Changing Sex In Prison

What great news in the death of Islamic terrorist, mass murderer al-Zarqawi. The reaction of the Islamic fanatics was predictable as they issued a statement saying "We want to give you (the Islamic followers) the joyous news of the martyrdom of the mujahed sheik Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The death our our leaders is life for us. It will only increase our persistence in continuing the holy war."
Ha! It's even more joyous news to non Muslims (the "infidels") in cutting of the head of the symbol of Islamic hate. And the fact that local residents told the U.S forces where al-Zarqari was is also a great symbol of the lessening of control by the nutty factions of terrorism there. Zarqari will be replaced but the organization will not be the same in spirit or effectiveness.
In Massachusetts, a man who was convicted of murdering his wife and sentenced to life in prison is suing the state to have it perform a sex change operation on him. I am nt kidding about this. Robert Kosilek (he likes to be called Michelle) also says that if the state doesn't do the operation he will kill himself. It does sound bizarre that a convicted murderer would try to extort the state by threatening suicide, but it may work. Prison law suits in the U.S. are common and often the prisoners win, given the system that we have here encourages individual rights above the collective society's. Michelle's contention is that he suffers from a gender disorder that makes it a necessity to be transformed physically at the government's expense into a women, given that he "already is one".
Well, I think that guy will probably have many opportunities to be someone's woman in prison, dress or not, so it is perplexing that he is suing for the operation. It is unlikely that any judge what grant him such a surgery but maybe Michelle is trying to focus attention on him/herself in order to be placed in solitary confinement for his prison sentence. It is surely safer there than amidst the deviant prison population. What do you think?
Richard may be a little off mentally in wanting that sex change but his unconventional lifestyle isn't necessarily more crazy than some conventional marriages. Some marriages just were better left never entered into. In Colorado the other day a couple didn't even make it to the altar before police made them part. Ali Aghili, 37, and Marney Hurst, 33, both of Boulder, Colorado were to be married Saturday night at the Little Nell Hotel in Bolder. But the marriage Gods are not smiling on those two.
Instead of a wedding the two got into a fight the night before the scheduled ceremony and were arrested by ;local police officers who said they both allegedly threw punch at each others. The wedding had to be called off because their $250 bond conditions required them to stay away from each other. Police said it took police three hours to sort out the incident and that the idea of those two married was not a pleasant thought.. The arrest of the unloved birds happened after police received a 911 call reporting one woman yelling at another. Police determined Marney had been shouting at Aili's sister. Gee....most married couple wait until after the ceremony to assault their in-laws.
I would love to have a store with item prices lower than usual,. I'd always be there. I love anythin

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