Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cells In The Subway

New cell phone news isn't going to kill me but is bad news for those in New York (and presumably, other places to come) who like peace and quiet, there is news that soon cell phones will be turned on in subways and airplanes. That's right. New York is making plans to let cell phone users annoy others in the subway with their incessant, inconsequential chatter. Now we know that there are usually two thoughts about public use of cell phones.
One is the group that says it has the right to chatter on their phones, anywhere, anyplace, anytime. The second, me included, says it is an invasion of my privacy to have to be subjected to other people polluting the air with personal conversations. Guess which is winning the battle...You know already....and you probably use your cell phones enough to make yourself a member of group one. Well, now one won't even have peace in a subway. Supposedly, the airlines will still be free of cell nuts...for awhile. That will come next.
How does the thought of listening to a group of cell addicts chattering away for 15 hours as you ride on a plane to your favorite vacation spot sound to you? Make you want to forget the whole thing? I can envision quite a few unpleasant confrontations between cell addicts and people who simple want quite while on board. But I hold out hope that most people won't want cell phones to be used on a plane, and that airlines will not lose sense of their customer base, and will not wire them for it. Let's face it! Most cell phone users behave rudely with their phones, and that is why I refuse to have one, to participate in mass hysteria.
Giving cell users more opportunity to behave badly is senseless in my view. It's like providing additional cookie jars for kids to raid. The great thing about E mail, and one reason it is my favorite method of electronic communication, is that it is unobtrusive to the sender and user. Hehe I could be sitting here naked as I type to you and you wouldn't know it...Relax, I am fully clothed.
Here's a novelty act. It's a request from the British Musicians Union that all performers in Britain be required to tell audiences if they are lip synching or performing live in their concerts. The union is urging promoters, producers and artists to back it's campaign for lip synching to be clearly labeled during TV shows, in pop arenas and on stage. I like that!
When one pays for a concert and instead gets gyrations on stage and lip synching accompaniment, it is cheating a bit. By telling the audience before hand (It would be printed on the ticket or announced some other way) exactly what he or she will get at the concert, the consumer will have little complaint if surprised by a bad lip-synching performance. too, presumably, a lip synched concert would presumably be cheaper to attend than a live voiced one.
But wait! Would this force the Britney Spears and Ashley Simpsons to really sing at their concerts? Oh, my...maybe lip-synching might not be so bad after all.

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