Sunday, May 3, 2009

Benefits Of Coffee

I want to write something today about the Nectar of the Gods, that is, the black gold for many each morning- coffee. It has been much maligned by tea lovers, slandered by caffeine haters and misunderstood by non drinkers. Hold on to your hat if you are not a coffee drinker because research shows that coffee may be the best beverage of all for good health.
Yes, I am raising my mug (I drink one large mug of coffee every morning) with a "Cheers!" to you. According to researchers from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania coffee has more healthful antioxidants, those substances that fight cancer and heart disease, than any other food or beverage found in a typical western diet.
To determine that the Scranton team analyzed the antioxidant content of 100 popular foods, including vegetables, fruits, oils and spices. The top five of foods for antioxidants were found to be as follows: * Coffee- 1,299 milligrams per serving * Tea- 294 milligrams per serving * Bananas- 76 milligrams per serving * Dry Beans- 72 milligrams per serving * Corn- 48 milligrams per serving One other point the researchers noted was that beverages are a great source, often large than foods, for antioxidants. But of course, coffee has little nutritional value and one must still eat the usual array of veggies, fruits, meat and dairy products to have the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber in his or her diet So take that, snobbish tea drinkers!! This is not the first study to show that coffee is best for antioxidants. Earlier this year a similar study in Japan reported that people who drink coffee every day or almost every day have half the risk of developing liver cancer, compared to people who never drank it. (On a personal note, my own mother and her father were the only two non coffee drinkers in my family. Both died from liver/pancreatic cancer).
A third study recently conducted at Harvard University showed that regular coffee consumption can decrease by as much as 50% in men and 30% in women the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Though too much coffee can make one jittery and raise cholesterol, most consumers never reach that level. So...I won't scowl at those inflated Starbuck's coffee prices anymore...don't want to get any more jittery than all that caffeine in it makes me. Oh, what about the study that said caffeine makes women more interested in don't know it?
We should have a cup of coffee and discuss it.
Coffee has a nice taste, but one Japanese man, Yaoki Osawa, 37, of Osaka tried grilling a different edible the other day- his mother! Yaoki confessed to police that he killed his mom, dismembered her body and grilled part of it on an electric hot plate after she nagged him about finding a job.
Oh my....Yaoki wanted to eat mom with his coffee. According to Osaka police Yaoki killed mom by battering her head with a stone after she fell down some stairs following an argument with him about his lazy ways. He then cut up her body, embedding parts of the skull in cement and cooking other parts on his trusty hot plate before throwing the remains out in the household garbage can. Yaoki may be an example of a guy who had too many cups of coffee that day

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