Sunday, May 3, 2009

World's Strongest Man

I had a carpet cleaning company clean and sanitize a carpet in my home today, and as a result, I took refuge in one of the bedrooms that has a TV. Not given to watching TV much, I flipped around and found an interesting program on ESPN. It was the 2005 rebroadcast of the "World's Strongest Man" contest from Chengdu, China. As always my keen eye and big mouth bring forth some observations on that program. So here is my review of The World's Strongest Man Competition.
First, it was an interesting contest to watch, with massive men pulling trucks, lifting 150 kilo stones, pressing 350 kilos of barrels and even carrying refrigerators on their backs in contests to see who was the strongest. I was entertained and impressed with the competitors and with the enthusiasm of the crowd watching. Some of those fellows were big by nature, including a 200 kilo man from Austria who looked a little chubby. Others, like the two contestants from Poland , appeared so inflated with steroids I feared they would explode (One of those Polish steroid freaks won the competition, his 3rd straight victory). I think those two shared the same steroid bottles because they looked like twin freaks.
As a man I have to say wasn't interested in seeing their muscled bodies in shorts and a tank tops, but I did ask myself why there was no Strongest Woman" show on too. I would like to see the ladies in their skimpy outfits to gawk at their "muscles". Because the championship was contested in Chengdu, the contest had a Chinese representative. But he was too small and finished last in every one of the 8 contest events. Supposedly, China is new to the contest. I assume they will have their own steroid freak in next year, and will probably contend for the championship soon.
Maybe the Chinese delegation should borrow that Polish bottle of steroids. The crowd at the venue was large and enthusiastic with many beautiful young ladies in front ogling the competitors and feeling their muscles when they passed by near the stands. (If they have a World's Strongest Women's contest I am going to Chengdu, will sit in the front row, and will feel those ladies muscles).
Sigh...I wish I had a muscle for those pretty ladies to feel. I would offer them some of my fat, but they would probably just slap me around (since I am definitely not the world's strongest anything). Of course there were the usual cell nuts in the audience. The ESPN cameras frequently scanned the crowd as the competitors showed their phenomenal strength in ingenious contests of strength. On every occasion, many were chatting on their phones as they watched. This made me think that next year a good event would be the cell phone/user toss. Members of the audience who chatter too much during the competition could be tossed by the athletes (along with their phones) for greatest distance. I would pay to see those cell addicts flying by. (But not as much as to feel those strong ladies "muscles").
So if you have ESPN and that event appears, do watch it. And if you get worked up and want to feel those big muscles, but can't make it to Chengdu...I offer you my muscles as an aternative..uh...if you can find one.
Kids get suspended from school for many reasons. But what about being suspended for singing a song? Indeed, it did happen in a high school outside Atlanta, Georgia, but it may be a suspension well justified. Beth Ann Cox, 16, a junior at Peach tree Ridge High School, was suspended for singing a threatening song in front of her teacher. But Beth said that although she had been humming the song during German class she denied singing loudly or directing the lyrics at her teacher, Phil Carroll.
"I'd had a song stuck in my head all day, like the tune of it," she said. (At least Beth has something in her small cranium) "This kid in front of me asked me about the song. So I told him the words. I didn't say them loudly." Hmmmmmm I used to use the "He told me to do it" defense when I was naughty student. I guess it doesn't work with music accompaniment. The song includes the lyrics: "On top of Ol' Smokey, all covered with blood, I shot my poor teacher with a .44 slug."
The school board disputed Singing Beth's version of event, saying instead that Beth was discussing a grade with her teacher when she began singing the song out loud in class. Administrators pulled Cox out of class later Friday and asked why she had threatened her teacher. Then she was suspended. Beth has had differences with the teacher in the past, said mom, Suzanne Cox. "We feel that Dr. Carroll has some kind of a vendetta out for our daughter. And he used this to take a stand against her," Suzanne Cox said. is defending her daughter with the old vendetta routine.
I think Beth should write a song for mom too. Maybe the Lyrics could begin, "Blind as bat, and dumb as our cat....

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