Sunday, May 3, 2009

Women To Avoid

I read an article today that all men would want to read. It was titled "Run Fast! Women to Avoid Dating, and was written by a woman. In short, it is a warning to men about which types of women to avoid. Being an inferior and less intelligent species to women, I want to know if what that lady said in the article is true or just hot air (not to say you women blow hot air. Hehe). Thus, I present her ideas to you (since you are the superior and species) and solicit comments. Are you with me so far or are you already shaking your head and imagining beating me to a pulp for bringing this info to your attention?
Well, he article starts with a rather prophetic line that "Sure, there are plenty of fish in the sea, but that doesn't mean you have to try every species." Hmmmmmm That lady is already off base. We men like trying them all. She must not be savvy to we inferior creatures. But she continues the article and lists 4 types of ladies that are no-no's for men. And then she warns. "If you hook one of these gals next time you're casting lines, better cut bait and dip your net in saner waters." Nice for her to say.
But what are those better fish of which she speaks. She identifies the bad ones, but fails to tell we men of the prize winners. Perhaps you can let me know those types (Yes, I know you are one of the winners, but what about the other kinds of choice fish out there). Tell me your own list of women we men should seek. Ok here are the four deadly "fish" the author identified. Tell me if you agree or not.
1) The Princess- This is the woman who can't get enough of herself. Often she is the most beautiful and most egotistical of all ladies, because she has been pampered and told of her assets too often. The author says that men can expect long delays while the Princess repairs her chipped nail or applies on more make-up. And also, the Princess will be quick to tell her man what not to do and what not to wear, all because it displeases the Princess to have to see that which does not honor her. The Princess is not so bad and I wouldn't mind being with one, but for males who want to be first, the Princess should be their last choice.
2) The Shadow- This is the type of woman all we men fear, and I agree with the author about The Shadow. You see, The Shadow is a very dependent type. She wants to be with her man always, even when he uses the toilet. If the man dares to suggest The Shadow might find her own interests and spend time with others, she ask...a hundred times or more..."Do you still love me". I think The Shadow is a perfect lady for those guys who like to feel guilty and want a woman who is more like a child than a partner.
3) The Mother Hen- She likes to remodel her inferior man. Five minutes after meeting a man The Mother Hen will straighten is shirt, correct his grammar, and comb his hair. The Mother Hen knows best and dearly lovers her death. And her intentions are good. I think a man who wants a loyal woman who will take charge and control the relationship is best suited for the Mother Hen. The Mother Hen would probably be best for most men, especially for me, because Mother Hens are an admission that women know best. men with big ego's (Is that most men?) should avoid The Mother hen.
4) The Debate Queen- Think you know about the Debate Queen? Well, you're wrong. In fact with her a man is always wrong (ok, so we men usually are wrong and need female direction....but debate Queen rub that fact into our faces). And this type is not above making a man feel guilty before launching her guilt trip toward the man. I can't say who The Debate Queen is best suited for, and think most of them never find a man willing to debate with her. They they are? Any comments or additions to the four? How about the types of men women should avoid? I do add to what I wrote the disclaimer that I am merely presenting a WOMAN'S view about other women. Spare my life if you will....even if I am not worth sparing...

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