Sunday, May 3, 2009

News With Brad And Angelina

I watched CNN news for a while the other day, and it was an eye opener for me. What I mean is that after about 45 minutes of trying to obtain the latest news, I realized that instead of news I was getting the latest gossip and celebrity info. And this was a Straight news hour program, not a celebrity or feature segment of CNN news.
I am not picking on CNN, and think it does a nice job in time of crisis, when the news becomes the news not celebrity gossip or entertainment features. But what I got when watching yesterday was more about the antics of those two brainless thespians, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. It seems CNN and everyone else i the mainsteam mediums world-wide is stalking those two, trying desperately to make me care when they have their baby or what Angelina offers as solutions for "world problems".
Am I supposed to care about their solutions and whatever nonsense they babble to an eager press. It made me actually feel sorry for Brad and Angela. That is quite a fete, given I find both silly dilettantes who have little understanding of what pronouncements they do give to their fans about their "causes". I felt sorry that they had to run away to a God-forsaken place like Namibia to escape the media hordes while they await the birth of their baby. And sadly, the world press has followed them to Namibia and made that the news event of the day. They are trapped by their own mindlessness because it's "news" to the world to know every minute of Brad and Angelina's day.
So we get a daily dose of Brad and Angelina delivered to us as news that is important to our lives. Sigh...It brings back memories of the paparazzi stalking the equally empty-headed and phony Princess Di. They literally stalked that sad creature to her death, and all for stories about Di that matters not to any person with a working brain.
Why do mainstream media outlets that present themselves as serious news sources stoop to the level of the celebrity hunt? I think it a simple question with a simple answer. The media is like this because this is what people all over the world want. They are much less interested in news that really impacts them and how they live. Gossip and triviality rule for the media because that sells.
The greater question is why we don't want reality (Does the "reality" TV genre mirror our desire to replace reality with an imagined real?) news and why knowing what Brad and Angelina ate for breakfast or what they believe is the eternal truth seems to be sacred now. It's a sign of how distorted are our priorities, how shallow our concerns and how much we run from reality (because it hurts). It's not just anti intellectual, it's pathetic.
But then...I do know all the important stuff about Angelina and Brad. And in honor of my rant about inconsequential news, I am skipping the usual odd story I add on to most of my comments here. I'm doing it in horror at the thought that the foolishness I have been giving is about the same worth as the "serious" news hour on CNN.

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