Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Spring is coming here. I see some spring weeds growing in my lawn and garden, and today I spent some time getting rid of the lawn weeds. The garden will have to wait. It needs to be thoroughly weeded over the period of a few hours. I also saw some tulips for sale at one grocery store where I shop. The tulips are starting to wilt and need to be planted but they were reduced to only $1 per plant (originally prices at $7 apiece). I did manage to root through the pile and found one good one and one that is marginal. When i got them home I planted them in my front garden where they should survive for awhile. Tulips are seasonal, so the heat will get to them in May or June, I guess. But these two are pretty, with pink tulips opened on one and red and white on the bigger one.
One of my big trees in the front yard has recognized spring too. The Red Maple tree has sprouted but the oak tree remains dormant. As you know, I like the cold weather most of all. The spring flowers and trees look nice but Jim likes it cool. If I could stop spring from coming and keep the weather as is I would be happy.
Spring time also involves certain food cravings I get. Right now it is for carrot cake. So, I will make a carrot cake later today or tomorrow. Hmmmmmm some of my favorite spring "stuff" includes; flying a kite, planting flowers or vegetables in the garden, eating lamb and crawfish, women wearing skimp and sexy clothes (Well, I am male!), St. Patrick's celebrations, baseball season beginning, the swimming pool being readied and used for the first time (some time in late April), Easter and Easter egg hunts, spending more time in the outdoors and feeling comfortable there, dreaming of travel or traveling, snowballs (a special New Orleans version of the snow cone dessert), a better attitude and happier feeling some people display, riding a bike against the wind, bees and wasps flying about in testimony that the earth really is ok after all, wearing shorts and leaving both the heater and air conditioners off, and writing spring E mail to you! Doctors heal us when we are sick and operate to fix our injuries. But that's apparently not all some doctors do when on the job. Two doctors in Belgrade, Serbia, recently showed physician versatility when they duked it out in operating room while performing an appendix operation. The surgery became secondary to the fighting went when the two surgeons started fighting and stormed from the operating theater to settle their dispute outside. Surgeon Spasoje Radulovic was operating when his colleague Dragan Vukanic entered and made a remark that started a quarrel, said the anesthesiologist on duty.
"At one moment Vukanic pulled the ear of the operating doctor, slapped him in the face and walked out," she said. Radulovic followed and an all-out fight ensued, resulting in bruises, a split lip, loose teeth and a fractured finger. The operation was completed successfully by the attending assistant doctor and the patient is said to be in better physical condition than the two fighting physicians. No word yet on whether the doctor's surgical licenses will be pulled and replace with boxing licenses.

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