Monday, June 29, 2009

Guess what the latest in trendy web sites is? I'll give you a hint. It is literally a "pen" pal site boom. Well, if you are clever you figured out the pen in this case is the penitentiary for prisons. Yep. Web sites that promote relationships with prisoners are proliferating theses days. Sites like www.women, and are getting more hits than one might fathom.
As to who would want to find a pen pal, lover or confidant in prison, I am not sure. Apparently no studies have been done to find out, but the prisoners say they get many gay men, lonely women and older men looking for a hot female prisoner. The inmates themselves claim they are looking for people to give them love companionship, "a friend on the outside" or legal assistance.
And yes, some prisoners have been using the sites to scam respondents for money but in the U.S. , apparently the sites are monitored. Any time a prisoner asks for money he is sent to "internet solitary confinement" and prohibited from using the site again. Having written that I find it astounding that anyone would want to be tied to a felon, to put themselves or family members at risk in doing so.
Hehe...That doesn't stop me from investigating one of them to see for myself what the fuss is about. Those sites have been set up in almost every country in the world. I went to, but did not communicate with, any inmate there, the logical place for a weird male www.women behind bars to see the ladies profiles and site make up. Uh....this was for research purposes only, because when I read about the popularity of those prison web sites i just had to see what it was all about. When I found the women behind bars home page I was greeted by a very sexy looking woman, smiling and looking angelic instead of criminal. The site says that "Women Behind Bars (WBB) is a professional service which provides personal pages, pictures and profiles for women who are incarcerated in prisons all over America The ladies featured on this site are looking for relationships. Many of them have been abandoned by their friends, and families and they desire contact with the outside world.
These ladies do not have access to the internet and their only point of contact with the outside world is by postal mail. Our mission is to bring men and women together with an opportunity to enhance the lives of both. WBB makes available the postal addresses of all its ladies for a small fee, to the gentleman". Funny thing though. On the bottom of the home page is an Expedia ad for travel with places to imput info to find flights. Maybe the ladies are planning to escape? Expedia must think so... Next I went to the profile section to see what these ladies claim they are like and if their criminal background is listed on their pages. I found a lovely lady named Tina and clicked on her profile. It says Tina is serving a 60 year sentence, is bi sexual from texas, has two children and is:
Someone in their 3rd or 4th year of college studying in Criminal Law. I have a 60 year sentence which I hope to fight and get this time back if not reduced. In the meantime of researching my case, I do what I can to better educate myself. When TDC allows me to go to college I take courses to work towards an Associates Degree in Arts and Business Administration. I exercise, read, draw, and listen to my radio in my free time. Other than in search of a law student, I would like to correspond with someone who will share his or her dreams and goals in life. I am not looking for a knight in shining armor, just a loyal, trust worthy and dependable friend who will surpass my stay her. If you are looking for the same, I can't wait to hear from you!
Looks like Tina wants someone to pay for legal help to get her out of the slammer. Interesting that the site did not make her list her criminal record... I hope she didn't murder crazy people who were curious and browsed Women behind bars sites.... I better check my insurance policy after I log off. Anyway..I looked at one more, a woman named Stephanie, also from Texas. Stephanie's ad was intelligent and sensitive. No criminal info was there, nor how long she will be incarcerated. Here's her ad.
I'm attractive, intelligent, loving, affectionate, and open and understanding. I like great conversation and learning new things on subjects from politics to music, and intimate talks are fun too. I'm passionate and seek a passionate person who's searching for meaning and peace in this life, but never afraid to laugh allot or take risks. My hobbies are dancing, music, water activities, nature, traveling, cooking, movies, and cozy nights under the stars around a campfire, or at home too. I'm educated and seeking more education while in prison. I studied health and medicine and now study politics, psychology, and still exercise and stay healthy. I'm seeking a person who has a heart for a girl who made a mistake in life and is awarded a new chance one day. Someone who is open and honest, loyal, fun and who loves life! Are you the one?
Sounds normal, but still eerie to read personal ads from prisoners. I didn't need to see any more (You look yourself if you wish) to know it is all too be their next victim. With all due respect to those ;prisoners who really did just ",make a mistake" or who mean no harm, only a fool would think the risk of being cheated, lied to or harmed in some way contacting a person in prison wasn't highly likely. Maybe the prisoners should atone for their misdeeds and place their ads on normal sites after they are released. I think that....oh, darn.....I have to go now. The warden just told me to get off line now...

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