Monday, June 29, 2009

6 Year Anniversary

Today was the 6th anniversary of the 911 bombings in NYC. Of course, many politicians (particularly the Bush crowd) will try to use the anniversary for political gain, as they wrap themselves in the flag and try to define themselves as the saviors of America. 911 has become the modern day equivalent of the "bloody shirt' in which politicians and some businesses who make profit off the event posture a stance that says the American people must support them or "suffer another 911". It's shameful, but the lowest common denominator in politics and business is often the most successful one. This misplaced "patriotism" is one device that often succeeds for the manipulative types like George Bush.
The irony of 911 is that it was a one time assault by a small group of fanatics against a symbolic target. It should be defined that way, but politicians like Bush use it to scare voters to support them, something al-Quida wants as well. In truth, 911 did little damage to the U.S.beyond the psychological one. Worse than the physical injuries it offered a platform for the worst kind of leaders to entrench themselves in government here, and that has been more harmful than the two planes crashing into the World Trade Center buildings. The reckless and irresponsible Bush administration has made Osama bin Laden look like a club scout. It was the 911 incident that gave Bush the excuse to invade a nation that had nothing to do with the NYC incident, nor that posed any threat to the U.S. Yet, almost six years later Bush and company are bankrupting the economy by financing a war fought only to stamp Bush as the "defender against terrorists" and to ensure the election of Bush proteges. While the U.S rapes its economy in Iraq through the obsession of fighting imaginary terrorists there, it neglects all its problems and needs at home Never in my lifetime has the U.S. government pretended so much to do so much good, while doing so little. It's clear that Bush intends to leave the next elected President the entire Iraq mess, that his efforts in Iraq now are to bide time until the next election in 2008. America declines each day Bush is in office and it all began in earnest with 911, for Bush has used 911 as his bloody shirt to gather enough support to be elected the second time (he scared them to death with "vote for me or the terrorists will get you") and now that America has awoken to having been tricked by the Bush administration, it is late in the game to fix the damage done to the U.S. economy, psyche, civil rights and freedoms here, world image, and more.
So on the anniversary of 911, in terms of damage done to my country, I wonder which is really the worst terrorist- George Bush or Osama bin Laden?

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