Monday, June 29, 2009

Kid Nations

Perhaps the most obnoxious and inane TV show ever aired is called 'Kid Nation'. I have not seen the show, but I make my evaluation based on the endless commercials for it that are shown when I watch my local news broadcasts. Show me many more of those ads and I will start hating kids! I think this may be the nadir of TV, the lowest level imaginable for the already brain desensitized TV addicts. You see, this is yet another of the stupid Reality/Idol contrived TV programs. But this one abuses kids instead of idiotic adults. Here is the show summary I copied from the CBS TV site that promotes it.
"40 children, 40 days, no adults—eager to prove they can build a better world for tomorrow in the new reality series KID NATION. Settling in Bonanza City, New Mexico, once a thriving mining town but now deserted, these kids, ages 8 to 15 and from all walks of life, will build their own new world, pioneer-style. They will confront grown-up issues while coping with the classic childhood emotions of homesickness, peer pressure and the urge to break every rule. Episodes end with a town meeting in which the kids award one child a gold star worth $20,000, all leading to the grand finale, with an unimaginable test, the biggest awards and a special surprise for every child."
Haha It seems unreal that such garbage would be programmed by a major TV network in prime time. The lists of things I hate about the idea could fill two more E mails, but how about these six for a start. Such a premise for a show:
1) Is contrived and unrealistic
2) Abuses children and parades the abuse as an ideal
3) Deadens the brain of anyone who watches
4) Underestimates the intelligence of the viewer
5) Further takes TV viewers into fantasy world and projects the fantasy as real and meaningful 6) Has no purpose other than sensationalism Ok, you get my point. No doubt the kids will be protected by child labor laws and other security while on set (Like the silly "survivor" contestants who check into hotels and eat steak once the camera stops rolling). There may not be any life-time traumas because of the show, but why is it being produced? What is the value of this garbage? You tell me. But if you say it is "entertaining" then I recommend you be sent to that Kid Nation....after you have had your sanity checked by a Kid psychiatrist.
I think most people would say the majority of karaoke singers have voices that, well....stink. But some listeners can be rather emotional in their dislike of bad karaoke, as in Seattle recently. You see, an unidentified woman attacked a karaoke singer belting out Coldplay on Thursday night, telling him he "sucked" before she pushed and punched him to get him to stop singing, bar staff said. The man was singing "Yellow" (but it only made the woman feel blue) when it happened.
"It took three or four of us to hold her down," bartender Robert Willmette said. When she was escorted outside, the 21-year-old woman "went crazy," Willmette said, throwing punches at him and others, including an off-duty police officer. Patrol officers and detectives then arrived at the neighborhood bar and blocked off the street, which inflamed the woman's rage even more. Before police could handcuff the woman, she head butted the off-duty officer at least twice.
The off-duty officer was treated for cuts, scrapes and bruises. After treatment for injuries, the woman was booked into the county jail for investigation of assault. Guess what....the bad singing hating woman also has a warrant issued for a previous theft charge. And all of this while she was sober! According to the bartender's notes, she had only a single shot of Jagermeister beer before going berserk. Given my limited singing ability I think I shall henceforth refrain from singing at karaoke sessions.

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