Monday, June 29, 2009

Early Halloween Ruminations

I have already raided the Halloween candy, a tradition for me this time of year and an annual increase in my waist size. The Halloween decorations and candy have appeared and I was tempted to buy some of those goodies last week. One of them was package of Halloween chocolates in the shape and design of body parts. Well, it's candy for the kids to scare them and it is made by Palmer candy company. Palmer makes very tasty chocolates, the creamy kind, many of which are specialty varieties for the holidays like the body part chocolates I attacked.
The big bag has chocolate crunch ears and fingers, chocolate fudge filled eyes, milk chocolate noses, and peanut butter mouths. I dislike peanut butter, so much of what remains in that bag are peanut butter mouths. I have eaten so much of that I can feel and see the non chocolate FAT on my stomach. Maybe I should refrain from eating chocolate for a week or so I won't turn into the fat monster this Halloween. There are still some unopened bags of Dracula and Frankenstein chocolates on the table where the candy is stored. Both Dracula and Frankenstein have been calling my name and saying "eat me", but my will power has been strong enough to limit itself to the chocolate body parts. I figure I will gain less weight eating a body part than from eating an entire Dracula or Frankenstein. Jane was with me when I bought that candy, but she is more interested in the decorations that were displayed for sale at the store. When I asked her which she liked and if she wanted to get it she pointed to a big vulture and we bought that one. Maybe the vulture could help eat away some of my fat after eating all that candy. It's possible there is symbolism even in buying Halloween decorations. Though we don't have any Halloween decorations displayed yet, the vulture sits menacingly near the Halloween chocolates, another symbolic and practical deterrent to keep me from attacking more of those body parts. In a contest of eating body parts, the vulture always wins.
The decoration I most like was the large brown, flexible and life-like bats that are on sale. Every year I hang skeletons, ghosts, pumpkins and whatever else is tacky looking from the huge oak and maple tree in my front yard. That is an annual decoration , part of our Halloween decor. I think a couple of those bats would add to the ambiance, but I resisted buying any. Perhaps I have greater will power for resisting bat decorations than chocolate body part candy. Well, it is still early and I may succumb to the bats after all. What I love about Halloween is that it is a holiday for all ages.
In fact, it seems to have been taken over by adults in recent years. This is good. Adults need more chocolate body parts and of those nasty fewer finger gestures from automobile drivers who feel they have been slighted by drivers while in traffic. Pretending, suspending reality for imagination may be one of the healthier things a person can f do. So if you see any Halloween chocolates or decorations, stop and look...maybe even buy. It's ok to be an excited kid once in a while.

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