Monday, June 29, 2009

Plastic Surgery Pitfalls

There was a segment on the TV news broadcast I saw yesterday that got me thinking about appearance, our physical appearance. It seems a lady shown in the broadcast had plastic surgery on her nose, and that resulted in more, and still more surgeries. Suddenly, after more than 20 surgeries her nose was almost gone. It had to be rebuilt again and doesn't look natural. The lady now swears plastic surgery is not a good thing. That's my idea today, that cosmetic plastic surgery usually isn't a good idea for people. I am not referring to plastic surgery that is necessary because of a disfigurement, just the "I want to look younger/better" type of cosmetic surgery.
The odd thing about cosmetic plastic surgery is that the people who most often have it, need it the least. They are already pretty, even beautiful, but so vain they want to look more gorgeous. People like me who could probably use major plastic surgery just to look respectable (I need not tell you I never had it. You can tell by looking at my pictures or staring at me face to face) rarely get it. But I don't want it.
Facial plastic surgery is the worst kind to have because even if the person's face looks less wrinkled, tighter or whatever the patient wants, it never looks the same as before. And that is eerie. Just look at Michael Jackson as an example,. Michael thinks he looks better, but we all know he looks like a freak. The truth is that other than make-up and grooming a person always looks better than if he or she tries to "improve" their looks surgically. Isn't it true that any person you know who has had plastic surgery looks different, but not better. There is something about our natural look that fits the personality. When we change the look and don't change the personality, the look does not fit us anymore.
And plastic surgery is an addiction with some, especially with women. Society pressures women to look young and sexy and that, not a sense of any vanity, is what makes ladies have those boob jobs (there is a law of nature that Sir Issac Newton must have postulated. It says says once lifted surgically, all boobs will eventually fall). Some women can't stop their desire for the surgeries, and they actually remake themselves over physically to the extent that they look too different to Any longer fit their personalities. Strangely, in their own eyes the surgery looks better, but not to others who look at them. Maybe they just feel more self confident because of the surgery. One good thing for me and the other people who will never have plastic surgery.
We may look terrible, but at least it's all natural terribleness.

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