Monday, June 29, 2009

Ghosts, Apparitions, Superstitions

Just in time for Halloween! I am writing about ghosts today. Do you believe in ghosts? Not the movie variety, but rather any apparition that is not physical. I read results of a survey conducted by the Associated Press and the number who do believe in it (I don't) may surprise you. The survey was conducted from October 16- 18th, with 1,013 respondents. Allegedly the margin of error is just 3 points, so it is supposed to be a representative sampling for U.S. attitudes about ghosts. Too, the makers of the survey say that answers in other countries would be a "ghostly mirror" of what people here think. Here are some of the findings.
- 34% of people believe in ghosts. This is the same percentage that believe in UFO's, but far more than the number of those who believe in witchcraft or spells (19% say they do). I wonder if the same people who believe in ghosts also believe in UFO's. The people who said they believed in spells and witchcraft were more the city residents and low income crowd.
- 48% of the respondents believe in ESP (I guess they already knew I was going to write that). I do believe in some form of ESP, but not that it is anything other than a yet not understood intellectual skill we humans have not developed greatly. More better educated respondents say they believe in ESP. 51% of college educated said they think ESP is a real phenomenon
- The 34% who say they believe in ghosts is the same percentage who say they approve of the job George Bush is doing as President. Hmmmmmmmm That may show that there is roughly a 34% delusional rate in the U.S.
- 23% of the respondents say they have actually seen a ghost or believe one has been standing next to them. I suppose a bottle of vodka was also standing next to them when they saw or felt the ghost .
- Single people, Catholics and those who never attend religious services are more likely to believe in ghosts. I see no relationship among those categories...maybe I should ask a ghost for an explanation.
- 30% of the people who replied say that have awakened sensing a strange presence (I am your strange presence today) in the room. Single were the ones who most felt this presence.
- 14% say they have seen a UFO. Most of those are of a lower income level or were men. Well, we men see plenty of odd must be the Vodka again.
- 20% say they are superstitious, with the younger, less educated crowd most often claiming that.
- Guess what respondents said was their biggest superstition? It was finding a four leaf clover. 17 % claimed to have that superstition. Next highest was the 13% of people who claimed they fear walking under a ladder and the groom seeing his bride before the marriage ceremony (after the wedding, often the groom fears the bride will see him looking at other brides). The next highest mentioned superstitions were-black cats crossing the path of the person, breaking mirrors, opening umbrellas indoors, Friday the 13th, and the number 13.
So, there you have it. What do you think about the results? Do you have any superstitions or beliefs in apparitions?

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