Monday, June 29, 2009

Real Environmental Threat

I am getting globally heated about the latest global warming nonsense to reach popularity here. You see, now the global warmers say we can "save the planet" if we just put our knives and forks down and stop eating meat. No steak, no hamburger, no fried life, as far as I am concerned. Man doe not live by tofu alone! Now we are being told that driving those SUV's and burning fossil fuels isn't so bad after all, that they are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere (I already knew that). More and more of those air head Hollywood celebrities are promoting the vegetarian diet to stop global warming.
Really it's another case of taking a small bit of truth (that methane gas which is released into the atmosphere causes a warmer environment) and expanding it into a foolish premise that is unsubstantiated in the larger degree. Matt Damon and company say that when the cows and other animals poop into the atmosphere it releases too much methane for the atmosphere to process. So, we should just stop raising the animals that do that to us. No animals= no global warming. Well, that's the theory of the day among the global warming lobby.
But the idea that people will stop eating meat and consuming dairy products is so ridiculous as to be laughable. Only a Hollywood celebrity could think they would. Yet the horde of new vegetarians out there say that not eating Clara the cow will save the planet. Ironically, there is an element of truth in the idea that we have too many animals on earth today to sustain a healthier earth. Though in no way do cows cause the imaginary global warming that is such a trendy idea today, the do reflect the real environmental problem mankind faces today. We have too many cows for a simple reason. We have too many people. It's not "global warming" that threatens the planet, but rather the unspoken problem that puts the most stress on humans- overpopulation.
Though I am not a global warmer I do think the environment must be protected, and that the only way to really do that is to reduce world population. It is the huge increase in humans over the past 50 years that has most stressed the earth and depleted our resources. I can guarantee that if the world population would drop from 6 billion to 3 billion, the issue of "global warming" would disappear into the atmosphere as a cow poop does on the farm.
The world does not like to discuss or address overpopulation today because it is politically incorrect to do so. This is why crazy theories like global warming become so accepted by the general population.....better to pretend to dave the planet from global warming than to actually save it by reducing world population. Most of the world population is in the poorest and most badly governed nations. So while the developed world announces it will "save the planet from global warming" by reducing fossil fuel emissions (but why are only the rich countries are ever asked to do that, not the developing ones?) of fossil fuels, it ignores the greater pollutant- having too many people on the planet.
Most school kids remember Thomas Malthus, the economist in the 18th century. Malthus was the first person to realize that too many people are what the environment most can't handle. He made the famous prediction that population would outrun food supply, leading to a decrease in food per person. Eventually people would starve. Well, now few starve because modern agriculture and science prevents it. yet, those technologies don't stop the rape of the resources on earth.
The earth has a finite resource base. With so many people alive today those resources are used too fast. Forget global warming...The real environmental problem is overpopulation, the one problem mostly ignored by the world, because to address it is to be accused of discrimination of the poor or "oppression of developing countries" where most of that excess population is located. It may be politically correct today to embrace global warming and the hundreds of other silly ideas (like not eating meat) that spawn from it, but no one wants to address the reality that the earth has far too many people today.
So while you and the other global warmers wait to melt and resolve yourself to dew, I will lease an SUV and drive to the nearest fast food emporium to have a nice hamburger while I wonder what all the fuss is about your attempts to "save the planet".

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