Monday, June 29, 2009

Yearbook Comments

Jane went to her first "Homecoming" dance last night. A ninth grade boy invited her to the school homecoming dance (He took her to the movies a couple of times as well). The boy's parents drove them to and from the dance and both seemed very nice. I met them yesterday. They have 6 male children. Ouch!!!! Men are pigs, but six constitutes an entire pig pen. It's nice to see Jane growing and changing, but I do miss the days when she was such an enthusiastic little girl and so dependent on me. In suppose life is interesting for humans because of the constant changes in our growth and maturity level.
Do you remember those high school yearbooks you got as a kid? I think I bought my school, yearbook every school year and we have done the same with Jane. Well, last year's book comes out at the beginning of the next school year and I happened to ask Jane to let me look at hers the other day. The school, has won first place in the state yearbook contest many times, so I knew the layout would be good again. But when I opened the cover I saw many signatures and comments from Jane's friends. Hehe Those are an amazing look at one's child, a new uncensored perspective of him or her given by peers.
Here are some of the comments I read about my daughter with my reactions to them.
- "UR are Awesome, Jane!" (Oh.... and I thought I was the only awesome one in the family)
- "Jane is #1" (Ok, I'll be number two)
- "Jane the builder is the best" (I think this refers to my daughter's social side. She is very outgoing and often organizes activities)
- "FREAKKKKKKKKKK!" (I better not investigate jane's freak side. Some things are best left alone)
- "We are gonna watch Chexas Tain Saw Massacre and listen to John Elton" (Either that friend is dyslexic or more of a freak than Jane)
- "I love you, Jane, baby" (This one from her first "boyfriend")
- "You scare" (It scares me that 'lol' has moved from on line chat to yearbooks. Is this the end of civilized communication?)
- "You can dance"- ( She is a virtual expert at an arcade dancing game)
- "You are awesome" (I'll stop with that one since it reassures me about some of those questionable comments.)
So that's a kid view of her today, one that she will probably see many years from now and be as puzzled as I. I think yearbooks are good for many reasons. one of which are those kinds of comments in them written by friends and classmates. Hmmmmmmmmm It's a good thing you can't sign my E mail with a comment. I suspect they might mot be gracious ones.

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