Monday, June 29, 2009

Leading Producers

I was thinking today about American influence in the world, about what we export that is so popular to the rest of the world. Well, it used to be machines, tools software, etc....but no more. All of those things are now manufactured in other places. yet, why does American have so much influence on the lives of people everywhere? (Even for those crazy fundamentalists.. Isn't the Muslim religious fanaticism really a repudiation of American and Western ideas, an admission that we are to much in their world?). It's because we Americas export entertainment. As a nation we live to be entertained, and in the process we have ended up entertaining the world. You doubt me? Just look at the cultures of anyplace anywhere and see the American influence- in books, films, music, TV, dress, the fast foods just about everywhere is some form of imitation of the U.S. culture. Every time I travel I am amazed at how much the rest of the world is like us. "Translation" is the word now, as everything in the American culture is translated into English or copied to fit the style of the other country.
I guess this is because transportation and communication make for faster adaptation today. But my point is that the U.S.leads the world in cultural transfer, not in products. We are now a service rather than good producer. And what about other countries. What is the area in which they are leading the world. Hmmmmm I have a few ideas. Tell me if you agree or not. I think the following countries lead in the following ways today:
* Japan- Has to be in electronic innovation and design. In the 50's Japan made those cheap am transistor radios....and everyone laughed. But ask anyone now who makes the best and most innovative electronics and they will surely say "Japan". Is there any other God of electronics than Sony?
* Korea- Cell phones. It pains me to write that and I should hate Korea for conspiring to make my life miserable with cell annoyances. But Korea is the place for cell phone innovation and design.
* France- Arrogance and insufferability. Haha I just threw that one in to see if you are paying attention, and because France hasn't contributed anything new to the world in 100 years.
* Italy- Fashion Italy has been and still is the world fashion capital. The best designers are Italian and the best design houses are Italian as well.
* China- Mass production of consumer goods. China now produces just about everything the industrial world used to make, before it became a more service oriented economic engine. That's just five areas.
Of course I can think of more, but it is enough to show how the world is dependent on all its parts to function at its best. This may be a good thing, for when all nations are needed there are fewer reasons for any to balk at the others. Too, the idea that one nation can dominate the others is fading because of this new arrangement. So much for my thought for today........
A Chinese thief has returned a mobile phone and thousands of yuan he stole from a woman after she sent him 21 touching text messages, Xinhua news agency said on Monday. Pan Aiying, a teacher in the eastern province of Shandong, had her bag containing her mobile phone, bank cards and 4,900 yuan ($630) snatched by a man riding a motorcycle as she cycled home on Friday, Xinhua said, citing the Qilu Evening News. Pan first thought of calling the police but she decided to try to persuade the young man to return her bag. She called her lost phone with her colleague's cell phone but was disconnected. Then she began sending text messages. "I'm Pan Aiying, a teacher from Wutou Middle School. You must be going through a difficult time. If so, I will not blame you," wrote Pan in her first text message which did not get a response. "Keep the 4,900 yuan if you really need it, but please return the other things to me. You are still young. To err is human. Correcting your mistakes is more important than anything," Pan wrote. She gave up hope of seeing her possessions again after sending 21 text messages without a reply. But on her way out on Sunday morning, she stumbled over a package that had been left in her courtyard only to discover it was her stolen bag. Nothing had been taken. "Dear Pan: I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Please forgive me, " a letter inside said. "You are so tolerant even though I stole from you. I'll correct my ways and be an upright person."
Wow....what a nice ending that is.

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