Monday, June 29, 2009

On Line Truth Or Fiction

An E friend mentioned the other day that "people often are not truthful when communicating on line". I am sure you have heard that line too, perhaps you even believe it. But I do not. In fact, I have found that people are often more candid and truthful when speaking anonymously on line than when speaking face to face.
Putting aside the users and liars who deliberately try to manipulate people both on and off line, I think the average user of E mail or chat will be very revealing and honest with the other party once he or she knows and trusts them. It's as if the two who communicate on lien feel less intimidated when writing or chatting with another here. Maybe the fact that we don't look at each other or hear the voice of the other person makes communicating less intimidating and oe relaxed.
The "I am only saying this on line so it doesn't matter if I tell him an embarrassing or intimate part of my life" syndrome. Haha Ok, I made up that syndrome to fit my premise, but I do think that effect is true. I have been told every imaginable intimate detail a human could reveal while corresponding on line, from spouse, lover problems to worries about the future, parents children or self. It is good that my E friends trust me but I think this is the norm, not the exception.
No doubt, on line communication is different from face to face or even phone chat (where hearing the other person's voice makes the two people more aware of what they say to each other. I think it has disadvantages also, but the fact that others are often so open when communicating here is a good thing. Do you agree or disagree with this. Haha Don't tell me you have been lying to me all this time!! Divorce can be tough for a man, not just the emotional strain and heartbreak, but the financial one. In the U.S. , without proper protection of a pre nuptial marriage agreement, one partner can take quite a bit of the other's financial assets. But Wait!! They may be a new alternative to just giving all the money to the ex spouse. Hehe It's an extreme solution one fellow took the other day.
A 43-year-old German man decided to settle his imminent divorce by chain sawing a family home in two and making off with his half in a forklift truck. Police in the town of Sonneberg. That nut, a trained mason, measured the single-story summer house -- which was some 8 meters (26 feet) long and 6 meters wide -- before chain sawing through the wooden roof and walls.
"The man said he was just taking his due," said a police spokesman. "But I don't think his wife was too pleased." After finishing the job, the man picked up his half with the forklift truck and drove to his brother's house where he has since been staying.
Uh.... but I really don't mind if you chain saw my E mail. In fact, burning it might be a better solution.

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