Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beware Of Impersonators

It's getting stranger and stranger (Or as Lewis Carrol wrote in Alice and Wonderland wrote "curiouser" and curiouser") in my city these days. There always seems to be a bizarre story of the day. For instance, just yesterday the son of a former U.S. Congressman was electrocuted while cutting down a tree that was sitting on top of a house. Yes, we still have trees on houses, even a year after the hurricane. But what happened recently is highly unusual. A teenage boy who looks a few years older than his 18 years has apparently been posing as a police officer and making traffic stops here. Yep. The boy, Brighten Lawson, may have been watching too many cop TV shows or perhaps knows that we are as disorganized in New Orleans now as a wild west town was 100 years ago. With so few real police officers around Brighton figured he could pretend to be a cop.
I have no idea why he did it, nor has the media which is just as perplexed at why Brighton got himself a phony police badge, one of those flashing red lights for the top of his car and a bullhorn to use to shout at anyone who's driving offended him. Maybe Brighton is just a nut. We (It's not nice to use my name as an example!) have many more of those since the storm has given us so much permanent frustration and anxiety.
Britghton's role as phony cop came to an end yesterday in a most fitting way. The law finally caught up with him after two months of phony police work when the passenger in a car he stopped for running a stop sign turned out to be a real police officer. Haha. He stopped a cop who quickly realized that Brighton wasn't a real officer. The real ones use blue, not red lights. When the real cop questioned Brighton and asked for his ID, the teen ran to his car and escaped... a fleeing phony policeman was he.....
The real policeman got Brighton's license plate number and tracked down the address to where it was registered. When the officer knocked on the front door, Brighton's dad answered, called Brighton into the room, and watched as his son REALLY was placed under arrest for impersonating a police officer.
The fact that we have less than half the number of police officers we had before Hurricane Katrina, and because there are few police to enforce driving rules, the area drivers are flaunting the traffic laws and imperiling the safety of everyone here.
Hmmmmmmm Maybe the judge should forget sending Brigthon to jail and instead sentence him to a stretch as a traffic control officer I have heard of "raining cats and dogs", but what happened in Warsaw, Poland with a falling dog is crazy. You see, a man was bruised but alive on Wednesday after a Saint Bernard dog thrown out a two-story window landed on him as he was walking down the street.
The 110-pound dog was pushed out of the window by its drunken owner Monday, police said. "The dog had a soft landing because it fell on a man," said police spokesman Grzegorz Wierzbicki. "The dog escaped with just a few scratches." "The man was also more in a psychological state of shock than physically hurt," Wierzbicki said. The one-year-old dog, named Oskar, was placed in an animal shelter while police investigate its owners for animal abuse. My suggestion is to place the dog dropper in a kennel for awhile, preferably on the bottom row where plenty of dog droppings can find their way on top of him.

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