Monday, June 29, 2009

Perception Questions

Last week I read a web site message board that discussed perceptions, in that case, perceptions foreigners have of other countries. It's an interesting subject that raises many questions in my mind..... How are perceptions the outside world has about a nation actually formed? Does it mater what someone in another country thinks about yours?
Are they mostly stereotypes or are they mostly true? Are the perceptions more often good or bad, and why? What is the perception most foreigners have of your country and mine? I'll give you my thoughts about it and you tell me yours. I know the perceptions people have about the U.S. vary, from good to bad to indifferent, but most of them are false- largely the product of Hollywood and media distortions (both our media and outside media). But each country has am image that is formed in different ways. Iran, for instance, is seen as a fanatical dictatorship that threatens the world. That one comes from the intolerance of the religion there and the bad behavior of the dictators of the country. The perception most people have about Norway is a land of cold weather, athletic people and a nation detached from the rest of the world. We most often think of Switzerland as "neutral", Taiwan as "isolated from other nations", China as "a sleeping giant" etc... Each of those perceptions has a different source from which those who believe such things derive that definition.
Ok, to the next question I asked above. Does it matter what perception others have of us? Nope. I don't think nations change their behavior or goals because of outsider views. They are aware of them, but that's it. Do you agree?
What about the question I asked next, "Are most stereotypes we have about other nations true?". I think there is a tiny or some element of truth in them, but rarely to a large degree. We tend to fixate on something we hear, read or think about a nation and define the country and people with that because it i easy and we don't have "to think too much". But I do think there is too much tofu in Asia! Haha
As to the question asking whether the perceptions are good or bad, I believe they are more simplistic than anything else. We tend to make our perceptions clear and easy to understand. "Everyone in the U.S has a gun" would be a false stereotype that is negative. " Everyone in the U.S. is wealthy" is a positive perception that is equally untrue. I think it is just convenient to make our perceptions black or white instead of cloudy.
Now for the biggie. What are the perceptions foreigners have of your country and mine." I can only speak for the U.S, so here are some perceptions I see foreigners have about my country.
- We have too much money
- We are uneducated
- We are promiscuous
- The government is imperialistic and over bearing
- We moralize too much to other nations
- We are hypocritical
- We are generous
- We are clever
- We offer the most opportunity for success
- Our culture smothers the world
- We are lazy and spoiled
- We are inventive and resourceful
Ok I leave it to you to determine if any or all of those or true or if none have any validity. Now it's your turn to tell me about perceptions we have of you.

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