Monday, June 29, 2009

Ignoring Ilegality

I was in a Wal mart grocery store yesterday and was stunned by the amount of Spanish I heard among the shoppers. It seemedthat everyone who spoke used Spanish, a reflection of the invasion of Illegal immigrants in the new Orleans area since Hurricane Katrina hit. Another grocery store that is a favorite of the illegals even has free Spanish language editions of New Orleans information newspapers at the entrance and exit of the store. Many of the store shelves have Hispanic foods and even the prepared deli sections are offering the same for them.
This is understandable, given the stores want to make a profit and need to appeal to whomever shops. Too, being illegal and in the U.S. is not a problem for the Hispanics who are undocumented and here. No one, police included, challenges their status or requires identification. Even our school systems are not allowed (by federal law) to require a parents to prove legal status before enrolling his or her child in a public school. I think our area of the country is representative of the illegal immigrant invasion here, though surely we do not have the masses that some states to the southwest of us have.
I mention all of this because I think it reflects the fact that the issue of stopping illegal immigration an/or search for and deporting them is over. I find it ironic that the Bush crowd, seemingly so worried about "terrorists" have for the past 7 years, not only opened the southern border (and increasingly the Canadian one) to anyone who walks across but fails to realize the number of criminals who take advantage to come to the U.S. and plunder it and we citizens.
Not a single presidential candidate left has any inclination to stop the open borders. The subject itself is almost unmentionable among those in political position to create and enfiorce a real immigration system here, for fear of offending the 40 million Hispanic voters who can defeat any candidate that makes a plea for the rule of law in immigration matters. The U.S. Congress is unable to manage the situation and the American people seem too lethargic to demand changesin immigration enforcement. In my view, illegal immigration has done far more damage to this nation than have Bush's "terrorists".
In fact, while Bush and company is worrying about mythical terrorists attacks from Muslims, the real "invaders" pour in from Mexico bringing both good and bad to the U.S., but putting enormous strain on the resources of the U.S. at a time of crisis brought upon by the awful Bush years through which we have suffered.

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