Monday, June 29, 2009

New Cell Trends

Cell phones have become fashion accessories like neck ties or jewelry. Cell phone addicts definitely view cell phones as an expression of their personal style. Hehe And sometimes a personal style of rudeness, I think. Sigh..They are replacing their old cell handsets with cutting-edge models that tap into those speedy wireless networks that have an array of newfangled features. More things to annoy me. For that reason, the cell phone industry is pushing fashion harder than ever. is this the end of civilized society?
Ok, I am exaggerating a little. But already , chic designs and materials once reserved for premium gadgets are moving to mass-market phones. At fashion shows now runway models parade around with cutting-edge phones and accessories. They want to make the phone as fashionable as any jewelry they might wear. What's next? Cell phone implants under the skin with tattoos of a phone to cover it?
You think I am wrong? Consumers surveyed last year by the Yankee Group placed "style or look" high on a list of the most important factors in choosing a phone, behind only price and ease of use but above battery life and technical considerations. The phone technology and fashion merging into one, and consumers are willing to pay dearly to "be cool looking" with their phones.. Cell phone designers must place bets on the colors and styles that will be popular in the future. Style or fashion can be very faddish, so you can bet the cell phone marketers will try to make the consumer want the latest in designing when they replace or buy another cell phone. It is reported that people replace phones every year and a half or so, on average, and are more likely to do so when a hot model comes along. Whatever..I do hope they don't take one thing out of those annoying phones- the silent button.
Here's a look at what's influencing cutting-edge design I found on the web.
The flip phone or clamshell is the predominant design in the USA. So-called sliders and phones shaped like candy bars are more popular overseas. Clamshells protect the screen and prevent you from accidentally pressing keys. Slider phones, are those which you slide out keypads. Since I have no cell phone and do not want one I prefer that all cell phones slide- slide into the ocean. Sony has a series of Cybershot phones that appear to be digital cameras. There's a shutter button, and you hold it with two hands like any point-and-shoot. Only when you turn it over does it look like a phone. Sony Ericsson also has Walkman phones that resemble MP3 players. Trendspotting. While many phones are in classic black or silver, manufacturers are increasingly offering alternatives. Verizon's LG Chocolate music phone is sold in five colors: white, strawberry, mint, cherry and the original black. T-Mobile USA has a magenta version . New color hues add to sales to cell addicts. Phone makers are also using premium materials like leather trimming . Meeting expectations. Buyers fit niches: by age, sex and need. Some phones are better for entertainment, others for messaging. Carriers may have 20 to 30 phones in the lineup at any time, from conservative models light on bells and whistles to feature rich edgy handsets. Designers must determine which features to make prominent and which to leave out. Well, you and I know that people already personalize phones through annoying ring tones and garish cases. But would they buy different phones for specific occasions, as they buy shoes for different clothing outfits they wear? I think so and bet it happens soon. Nokia is said to be working on phones whose lights change color, patterns and frequency, depending on your mood. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Mood....As you can tell, my mood when thinking about cell phones that will further destroy manners in society is not a good mood. What do you think? Has love for the cell phone gone too far? Will people really demand all this stuff? Will I have a heart attack one day when writing his anti cell phone e mails?????????

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