Monday, June 29, 2009


I worked from 6:30 am until 6:30 pm today. So it was a shorter day. I must say the time goes fast doing that kind of things. The next three days will involve a continuation of a scene I shot a couple of weeks ago.
Have you heard of, or do you use "Twitter"? Twitter seems to be a growing fad on the net now but I can not figure out why. Perhaps it is the lazy person's way of communicating on the net. But other than that, I have no idea about it because I merely read about twitter recently and then decided to check it to see what good and bad it offers. Twitter is found at If you have the time to look at it please tell me what advantage there is in using such a site. I am "atwitter" to figure out the attractiveness of that site.
Twitter is a free web site at which you can tell friends or strangers via cell phone, IM or at the site itself what you are doing at the moment you type. But the gimmick (and it's great for people too lazy to write real E mail or make real telephone calls in which they chat normally) is you must use less that 140 characters for each twitter you make.
I went to twitter but did not register to use it. What I found when there was a statement that said twitter is "a global community of friends and strangers answering one simple question: what are you doing?" Well, my question is "Why ask that?" Am I so important that people need constant ups dates on what I am doing? Do you want me to tell you at the exact the moment that I passed gas or cleaned out that "stuff" between my toes? I hope not! Let's face it, 9% of the time what we do at any moment is of little interest or importance to even ourselves. Only an egomaniac would want to report on his or her life incessantly (in less than 140 characters too.) While at the site I saw a list of "featured twitter users". Hmmmmm These must be the Rhembrandt of twitter. So I decided to click on one of their twitter comments to see what it's all about. Since their was an engaging looking blonde named "Jessica Mellott" listed I clicked to read what she twitters and to see if I am wrong and maybe should become atwitter bug myself (I promise no gas or toe cheese reports if I do twitter).
The twitter site says Jessica is a teen pop singer from Maryland. What does Jessica twitter? Well, I think she must be a dumb blonde twitter. Jessica seems to report the least interesting of things. Here is some of what Jessica twitters (Hey! I used twitter as both a noun and a verb. Someone should twitter that...)
- Got to catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Yep! that was it. Jessica thinks we need to know that. Maybe she never sleeps and she is just excited about catching those zzzzzzzzs. Or it could be that Jessica is a dumb blonde and thinks it's important to tell us that.
- Yapping on the phone (I should write an anti cell phone twitter to Jessica!)
- Looking for a hotel in Coral Gables or Coconut Beach area (maybe the hotel industry heard about Jessica's vacuous twitters and decided they didn't want her in their hotels)
- about to make brownies (Gee, I hope brownies are brain food. Jessica should pig out on them if so)
- going to my photo shoot (Darn! When I first read that I thought she was trying to tell us she would shot herself and end it all to to relieve the misery we have in reading her stupid twitters)
-Found cutest pair of blue strappy espadrilles, a little heel perfect with red toes! Hmmm Should I wear them fro my photo shoot tomorrow? (Go for it Jessica. But beware....someone who has had enough of your twitters may decide to club you to death with one of those little heels)
- YAY! Excited to be featured on (You mean I am lucky to have found your twitters?
Really, I would have preferred reading an essay on hemorrhoid treatments). Ok, there you have Jessica's twitters and my nasty replies to them. Jessica was a featured" twitter person today. There were many other regular twitters at the site, but after reading Jessica's postings my stomach decided it didn't want to see the normal ones too.
Given that millions twitter there every day the idea must have some substance, but I think I am not a suitable candidate fir twittering. Hehe I know the site is glad I don't post there as well. I think that twitter is just a lazy E mail or phone message. It really offers nothing new and anyone could message the same things elsewhere. But the world is an inconsequential place, filed with love for reality TV, gossip and fads. Given that, twitter may eventually become another You Tube and may make money for the site owners one day. What do you think? Would you twitter?

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