Monday, June 29, 2009

Too Many Drugs

Recent news about the 22 doctors who are being sued by some of their former patients after accusations of administering diluted or tainted chemotherapy drugs (the patients said the drugs were old and weak and some relatives of the deceased ones blame the deaths on that) made be pose a question. Is the world too drug dependent? I am referring to legal drugs, not recreational ones.
From my point of view the answer is "yes". In the U.S. and everywhere I have traveled I see endless shelves of drugs sold for every malady imaginable. Despite that many are hardly better than panaceas, the customers for them buy an use them way too much. Got a headache..take an aspirin? Have a cold, take one of a hundred different remedies that do little more than treat a few of the old symptoms. Going to the doctor for a sore throat? Ask for (and the doctors like to placate patient requests) will prescribe an antibiotic that really isn't needed for recovery. It's no wonder bacteria is resistant to so many antibiotics. They are over prescribed so much that is inevitable. When there is a real need for antibiotics, they often fail to work because of the resistance bacteria gains.
And those TV and other media ads for drugs. ...they amaze me. Why should drugs be advertised as if they were candy? Consumers don't really have the expertise to understand the effects of the drugs and should get their information from their doctors, not advertisements put on by drug companies. Too, the ads pound a message that there is always a drug to take for even the slightest complaint. Why when in stores that sell drugs I notice small children picking theirs, as it it were a selection of ice cream.
So the drug hysteria creates people with a mindset that is bad, it harms the body more than hurts it, and buying them puts a huge strain on a family budget. The old remedies are often as effective or better, but humans today never even think to use them anymore. Sigh...This drug dependency mess this gives me a headache....
Uh...I better go take an aspirin. Talk about life in the "fast lane". In Rome one couple lived just that. Italian police pulled over a speeding car the other day and found a completely naked 70 year old woman (I am not sure that I would a want to look) who was a having sex with the car's driver!
Yes, the driver was drunk. Police tested him after pulling over the car and found he was three times above the legal blood alcohol limit. Both were cited for various driving and public nudity violations. When police asked if the couple was married the reply summed up the state of marriage as well as any. "Married people probably wouldn't do anything like this, " said the arresting officer.

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