Monday, June 29, 2009

Cool It

Some people want to take their money with them when they die. You will try to take your computers! More today on the trendy but baffling "global warming" front. I happened to run into Bjorn Lomborg a 10 minutes interview on public TV recently and wanted to pass on some of the info about him and use this as an opportunity to hurl my anti global warming propaganda your way (Well, it's fair. I am bombarded by nonsense from the global warming hysterics every day!). Lomborg says the recent warming we have had in the climate is at least short term, maybe longer, could be man made or natural and...most not a subject that should panic people.
He feels that there are as many good aspects to a warmer climate as to a cooler one and points out many of those in his book. One he spoke about is the fact that , while global warmed nuts scream about "more deaths in summer because of the warmer climate", Lomborg shows that we have also had a huge decline in deaths because of less severe winters. In fact, many thousands of lives are saved because of warmer temperatures.
In essence, Lomborg says that for every bad aspect to a warmer earth comes a good one and that people should "cool it" (the name of his book) regain rationality and stop wasting their time and energy on "saving the earth". The earth can not be "saved" by humans and it isn't being destroyed by them either.
Bjorn Lomborg's link to "Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming"
You might want to go there and read a description of his credentials, ideas and obtain information on the book. I intend to look for the book and of course, rant about global warmer more after reading it. Get ready for that!

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