Monday, June 29, 2009

One Minute Generation

For years I have been trying to figure out the fascination people have with their cell phones, the constant dialing and radiating, and why it matters so much to them. But lately I have been observing more and thinking less, and I have concluded that cell phones are just one of the tools that reflect the bigger answer to the question. Because they are used so publicly and so rudely they irritate me more than the other of what I call the "one minute generation's" tools of life (Ok, the 'one minute' thing is corny, but you give me a better name for this generation).
I think the cell addicts are one segment of that generation, the generation of people who do everything in small doses as quickly as possible. Think about it. Instead of reading books the one minute generation skims or reads excerpts from the web. They don't watch all of a film. Instead, they turn their electronic media on from time to time to watch favored parts of it. Cooking is out for them. Better to grab a quick bite out or bring take home food to the house. The one minuters don't write cogent letters, they text. They don't discuss in depth, they chat on IM.
Do you see a pattern here? It's the electronic connection. Electronic technologies is transforming the world into a live by the minute one. And this means one which has less depth of character and intellect and fewer moments of reflection or thought. No wonder those blubbering cell phone addicts don't realize how rude and annoying they are. The technology now forms the personality or perhaps we have become formed in the image of the technology that has become the real us.
What is interesting about this new generation of one minute players is how much they have transformed society. I think humans have always had short attention spans for the trivial- in sports, art, literature, celebrity worship etc. But now the short attention is more personal. The one minute generation has a short attention span about everything in their personal lives. Get them some Ritalin or disconnect their electronics! They are missing the simple pleasures of life and don't even know it. Always connected, always moving, always acting as if suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder, the one minute onlygeneration is in conflict with what has come before.
We of the pre one minute generation are not interested in their joys and they not interested in ours. But what shall we do? I can't ignore the banalities of the one minute generation and I don't want to ignore the joys it gives as well (Yes, I also find many attractive things about it...the free spiritedness, the inventiveness etc.). I am already "disconnected" from that world of electronic dependence and addiction, save for my love of the computer. So I suppose I should turn my head more often when I see the one minuters acting out.
Haha No way. I have too much fun criticizing their addictions, cell and more, to ever do that.

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