Monday, June 29, 2009


Science says that humans are in a constant evolution process. I think so. But it may be more than a physical evolution that is in greatest motion today. After due consideration of the plight of we humans I have concluded that in the past 25 years or so we have started to evolve in another way. We are becoming human hard drives.Think about it. We have become so connected electronically to so many devices, that occupy so much of our time that, in essence, the human him or herself is now a hard drive receptacle for the information the "connected" devices give us. I read recently that kids today rarely sleep through the night. It's because they have their cell phones "on" so their friends can message them anytime of the night. And they do! Jane once said that at a sleep over she attended some of the kids chatted on their phones with friends at 2, 3, even 4 am., and that wasit a typical behavior for kids her age.
Too, we know that many kids now sleep with their computer or TV on, the light from which does not allow normal sleep. Yep! Kids today are trading their sleep for their electronic connections. This is where the evolution to a hard drive begins, when they human first is addicted to connections.
But this over-connectivity problem is true of all ages. If you are preoccupied by more than a couple of electronic connection for more than, let's say... eight hours a day, you are probably evolving into hard drive too. That includes the cell phone being on and you waiting for the next call. Ha! I am amazed at how many people today can not do as simple an act as shopping for groceries without chattering on the phone the whole while, even ignoring the supermarket clerk by continuing their inconsequential calls and tossing the money AT the clerk instead of acknowledging the presence of a live human by getting off the phone and engaging the clerk. It is pathetic.
Or take the computer as an example. How many people communicate in the language of the society in which the live, as opposed to slang, grammatical mush, street talk, " lol's " and their like, and just plain incoherence we read when communicating on line. Surely, computer E mail and chatting has made society lose some of it's language skills. I am appalled at how so many otherwise well educated people can not communicate in writing anymore. Blame it on the connectivity problem.
The connected generation sees themselves as hard drives for information, not creators of it. An addiction is a habit that takes hold of our imaginations and refuses to allow us a focus on reality. Is this kind of evolution a good one? Addictions also seduce us, heighten our senses and distort our inner yearnings. When we play into our addictions, we become hard drives waiting to accept whatever is stored in us.
We think less and live life as a spectator rather than a participant. Instead.....computers, cell phones, web cams, Blackberries, PDAs, E mail, instant messaging, blogging, electronic bulletin boards, ipods, navigating systems, satellite radio, wii...and many other devices I do not even know the name of are now in control of the humans who "use them", human hard drives in the making.
Think about it....but not while on your cell phone!

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