Monday, June 29, 2009

Declining Teacher Base

The U.S.A. today has a comment today that "old teachers are becoming increasingly hard to find" in the U.S. I assume it is a problem in most countries, as the idea of working for a noble cause (helping kids) is less attractive in this materialistic world that values more the higher salaries found in other fields of work. I noticed the gradual disappearance of the older teachers when I taught. The classrooms are now more filled with young teachers, the majority of whom quit or are fired within three years of taking their first teaching job. But not enough of the young teachers replace the retiring veterans.
Today more than four in ten full-time teachers at U.S secondary schools are in their 20's or 30's. This compares with slightly more than three in ten falling in that younger age group in 1993. The 10% loss of older and more experienced teachers is not a good sign for stability in schools. It also indicates that schools will have more trouble finding qualified teachers to replace the retirement of the veterans. So why are young people going after the money of other jobs and disdaining teaching, a profession that brings great personal satisfaction and a sense that one has "made a difference" in the lives of young person? According to U.S.A., besides the salary issue there are thinks chasing younger teachers from the classroom. And what is the biggest challenge for new teachers? It's classroom management....bad behaving kids that are making teaching something less than the old idea of educating compliant youth. Fully 55% of respondents in a poll at U.S.A. said classroom management is the biggest factor driving younger teachers out of the classroom. (The next highest factor is the obsession with testing. 19% said teachers do not want to be testers instead of teachers).
Veteran teachers are experienced enough to deal with the new societal deviancies that are seeping into schools. Well, at least they can cope. But young, inexperience teachers often are at a loss to treat so many social problems kids bring into the classroom. From bad parenting to the negative images kids learn outside of the school and transfer to inside it, the savvy young teachers quickly see their is more opportunity in other jobs. The leave the profession and classrooms become more crowded and manned by less capable teachers. It's a growing problem in the U.S. How about there?

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