Monday, June 29, 2009

Deathly Statistics

I know you are afraid to evens peak of death but..... I saw an interesting statistic today. It said that there are more people alive at this second than have died in the entire history of human kind. That's amazing. The 6 billion or so humans today are more than all the humans who ever lived before. It helps explain the exponential improvements in science, technology and other areas of human productivity.
But I was wondering where they will bury all of we 6 billion when we die. Is their room for us somewhere in the ground or should we be cremated as many religions prescribe for their members? If given a preference I prefer to be buried in the family crypt with my parents and brother. There is supposed to be space in the tomb for two more bodies and it seems appealing while I am alive to rejoin to them in that symbolic way. But in truth, it matters not is done with my lowly carcass when I pass on. Maybe Al Gore and some of the global warming conspiracy nuts will decree that no one be buried anymore, that our dead bodies cause more of that imaginary "global warming" they have propagandized people to believe in.
Well, if that is the case and I can heat up the Al Gores of the world I want to be buried in the most ostentatious and environmentally unsound way.....just to show them I protest their phony environmental theories. Hmmmmmmmmm Maybe I should just protest environmentalist extremism by not dying and instead using more of those resources they claim I am hogging. It would give me great satisfaction if they thought I was using more of my resources than I should, and that I single handily helped create more of their "global warming". but then, if I refused to die of natural causes, some environmentalist or Global Warmer (Maybe even Al Gore himself) would kill me. They would claim it was an "environmentally sound a policy" to kill me since I was over the limit on resources I use. I know I am not worth much and the earth won't miss me. I think many people would approve of my elimination...the same people who spend their misguided lives worrying about "saving the planet" or drive those hybrid cars that save on fossil fuels. If you want to understand the number of deaths happening in the world today look at that World Health site that shows how many people die each second, and how they expires. It actually keeps a running total. Go to this site and it will start a tally by second so you can see what is killing humans (It's not global warming)
I let the clock run at that site for just 10 minutes to see how humans die and found that the five biggest causes of death were as follows.
Number one- Cardiovascular diseases (394)
Number two- Infectious diseases (258)
Number three- Schematic heart disease (182)
Number four - Cancers (172)
Number five- Cerebrovascular disease (153)
The kinds of death we would think would rank high were at the bottom of the long list. For example, during that 10 minute period only 5 people died world-wide due to war, 13 because of violence against them, 10 because of falls, 11 drowned, 36 in traffic accidents, and 8 in fires. So the more preventable things like heart disease and cancers took the most lives.
However, as stupid as this E mail was today, you probably will have me killed for writing it, and cancer and heart disease will not add me to their totals.

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