Monday, June 29, 2009

Baby Domain Names

The latest techno craze theses days isn't another stupid cell phone. (Relax, I won't rant about the evils of cell phones today). What is hot now is giving a newborn baby his or her domain name. Haha Yep. Parents are now investing in purchasing little Johnny's own we web site and E mail address. Little can be had for about $10 per year. And once paying for it there is the option to set up a web site for anywhere from free to a few dollars a month.
I am not sure about this idea but one reason given for giving a baby his or her own web site is that the name of choice may not be available by the time the baby is old enough to use it. Too, the parents say it is best to have a domain because the child's social networking sites, profiles, blogs, photo albums and other things he or she is likely to want, will all be accessible from the domain. I also think the low cost of doing this and the novelty of saying, "My baby has his own web site, does yours?" may attract more parents to this trend.
The parents could also use the domain until Little Johnny is old enough to do so, filling it with cutsie baby "stuff" for the friends and relatives to see. Relatives have even started giving the little ones domain names as Christmas and birthday gifts. But there is a negative to it. Besides it being pretentious and un necessary, giving a child his own web site makes him vulnerable to predators and strangers. It does seem an assault on privacy.
I know that had I thought of such a thing when Jane was a baby, I would never have considered buying a domain for her. In fact, I think it best to discourage too much internet use for small kids and teens. handing them a domain is an invitation to promote more. There is too much more for the young to learn from books and other outlets. Too, given how fast the internet and technology as a hole changes, web sites and E mail addresses as we know them now may be passé 10 or 15 years from now.
So, I ask you. Is the idea of buying a web site domain for a baby a good one or something to delete into the recycle bin? From the dubious theory/dubious protest department comes news of yet another naked protest. Hundreds of naked people formed a "living sculpture" on Switzerland's Aletsch glacier Saturday, hoping to raise awareness about climate change. The photo shoot by global warming advocate Spencer Tunick, the New York artist famous for his pictures of nude gatherings in public settings worldwide, was designed to draw attention to the alleged effects of global warming on Switzerland's shrinking glaciers.
"The melting of the glaciers is an indisputable sign of global climate change," said the sometimes extreme environmental group Greenpeace, which co-organized the event. is not indisputable based on evidence. What is indisputable is the extreme exaggeration global warming nuts partake in to push their agenda.

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