Tuesday, June 23, 2009

National Apologies

That on-going struggle by Japan to not "apologize" to China for its World War II brothels is interesting. In case you don't know about this, it concerns the 200,000 women, mostly from China and Korea, who were forced to serve in Japanese military brothels in the 30's (before W.W.II) and during the war in the 40's.
Japanese scholars and the politicians there deny the military was involved in rounding up the ladies, saying private companies did it and they, not Japan, should apologize. Whatever....it was a terrible thing to do regardless. But I wonder about the concept of any nation apologizing to the people of another for something it has done. In this case it seem to me that the only people who should receive apologies would be the women who were enslaved and forced to become prostitutes for the Japanese soldiers, not for the nation of China or Korea itself.
If an entire nation is to be apologized to because some of its citizens were abused the apology line will be very long. There is not one national government that has not in many policies that were unfair to the citizens of other nations. Apology seems to be more an act of nationalism or political grandstanding than any kind of retribution. Uh, sort of like the ridiculous Muslim demands for apologies from Denmark for political cartoons deemed offensive to Muslims or the Pope being pressured to apologize to Muslims for quoting a Muslim leader who criticized Islam.
My own U.S. Congress is considering a resolution demanding that the japanese Prime Minister Abe apologize to China. Isn't that presumptuous of the U.S? Isn't that interference with a national right to be accountable itself? After all, the U.S. government never apologized to the American Indians for taking away their land.
I don't support or defend what happened to those women the Japanese military abused. It was an abomination, one of many China has suffered from foreigners. But apologies should come from the heart , not form political pressure. If Japan feels it should apologize (to whom? Most of those who were made sex slaves are now dead anyway) let it do it of it's own accord. If not, so be it.
Oh.. Hehe...Before I stop let me apologize to Japan on behalf of the my country, for the U.S trying to pressure them to apologize and I also apologize to China for not insisting more forceful that Japan apologize. I think that covers it! I have nothing else to apologize for now (except this stupid E mail).

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