Monday, June 29, 2009

Two Sites

I have a report on two interesting web sites I found the other day. One is worthwhile for a look , the other just plain strange, morbid in a way. The first one is This is the standard music seller site at which a person can download a song. But what distinguishes it from the others is a new tool that is unique to the Internet, the "humming search" engine.
If you have a tune in your head but cant remember the words or the name and want to know what it is, the humming search may help. If you can hum 15 seconds of the song you can search for it there, and be given the name of it and directed to Napster for a free (but illegal) download or to a direct 99 cent download elsewhere.
I checked the humming search myself with two songs, one more obscure and the next a familiar one. There is a big icon on the home page of Nayio that is clicked to take you to the free humming search. All you need to do is hum 15 seconds worth of the song into your computer microphone. The site then compares your hummed notes with a group of 5000 songs it of far has in it's data base, and then posts potential matches.
I first tried a less popular oldie tune, Photographs and Memories, by Jim Croce. The humming search did not find what I hummed. My second hum search attempt was the Beatle classic, When I'm 64. It found that one and gave me the tittle and how to copy it from the free Napster or pay site referral.
The disadvantage is that it is a new technology that only has 5000 songs decoded for use at this time (though more are to come). The tunes are a mix of oldies and newer songs. So far the success rate for finding a song is about 30%, but that will increase dramatically as more songs are added to the humming data base. It's surely a good and commercial idea that someone will perfect soon.
Now for the weird site, only if you are an atheist who likes to deny God publicly. You see, at the intent is for non believers to stake your soul against the existence of God.
The person using the site (I did not try that and would never do it since I am not an atheist and think it is a bit sick to make such statements publicly at a web site) records his or her statement disavowing the existence of God. Who says you can't find every persuasion in the Internet! When I logged onto the site home page a message said I could have a copy of the God Denying popular video documentary DVD, 'The God Who Wasn't There'. But "there's only one catch: we want your soul," says the site. In exchange for a short message damming yourself to Hell, you get the DVD.
The intent is for atheists to come foreword and put their souls on line, showing others to not be afraid to say there is no God. In Christian theology the only sin that God can never forgive is blasphemy against him (or her), denying the existence of God. I clicked on the video replay section to hear some of the blasphemous remarks and was a taken to Yu Tube where the videos are replayed. What an eclectic mix of atheists were there. I saw about 10 of the videos. All most all were young, below 25 and their statements ranged from serious to amusing. Some people were nervous and I could see they were worried about making such a statement in camera. Many were philosophical and others just denied God because they "didn't think God existed." One woman said she believed Mary and Joseph had sex. Haha I hope that one doesn't send me E mail. There were the usual kid pranksters and people who just wanted the attention they would get by being different.
I wonder why people would go to so much effort to say they don't believe in something others hold dear. Two of the ten I witnessed were said to be formerly very religious. One guy did a guitar solo song denying God. There were several hundred blasphemers with videos when I logged on there. The best video for me was, naturally, the funny one. A clever fellow who wanted the free video but did not want to renounce God. His solution, put his dog on camera mouth a renunciation in the name of Fido. Hehe At the end of Fido's denunciation of the existence of God made he said, "Now send me the God-damned Video" No that's a practical athiest....selling his doggie soul for a video. One guy had his monkey sit in for him while he spoke for both of them. Beneath the videos are comments of the believers refuting the blasphemy statements. Some of those were cute too. One said "You need braces' to a blasphemer he witnessed on the site, another "She's Hot" about another...(Hmmmmm The Hit atheist can E mail me any time., I have no objection to her).any of the responders were angry that the videos were shown and at the facts stated by the non believers. Some comments supported the blasphemers but most were rather unkind and seemed to take the non believers statements too personally.
Anyway.....I tried to find the link for God to see what he had to say abut those people, but apparently, God is unavailable for comment.

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