Monday, June 29, 2009

Too Many Bags On Board

Your computer is confused. It dated your letter 'September 24, 2007'. Since I doubt you are clever enough to se into the future, I assume more cutsie programs on your computer have again gone amuck....
Do you notice a growing problem on plane in the form of excess carry-on luggage. The last flight I took from New Orleans to New York had a great deal of carry-on luggage. I saw one lady with four carry bags, two of the roller type and two she carried. I know the rules says passengers are allowed one large and one smaller, but she had no trouble getting on the plane with what appeared to be a month's worth of clothes and other luggage she should have checked into the baggage department.. There were many more similar cases, and I would estimate that at least half the passengers exceeded the number and size of the carry-on rule. I think the airlines just don't enforce their own rules about that much anymore. And it is annoying in this case.
I don't know about you, but I often can't put my one carry-on bag near my seat because of the idiots who have 4 to stow. There seems never to be any room nearby. Some of them even try to stow extra bags under the seat (so they can bang into or roll into my legs). One would think all the extra weight these passengers bring on would be a drag on fuel, and that the airline would weight the mess to try to curb the excess.
But the phone war on terrorism at airports has gotten the airlines in a pickle. They have no time to monitor the excess baggage because of those stupid security checks that keep us in endless lines and make us check in for our flight two hours early. My suggestion is for them to start enforcing carry-on rules and fining the fools that take their entire weeks worth of luggage disguised as carry-ons. Maybe if a passenger exceeded weight or baggage carry-on limits he or she would be forced to pay the same kind of baggage fee that check-in passengers pay,. That might discourage some of the extra bags and open up the over head bins for the passengers who juts want to place their one bag above their seat.
Hmmmmmmm Or Maybe they could punish them when they get on board with those bags. I think making them eat two in flight meals would be a deterrent to carry-on abuse. Yep! and make them sit between two fat passengers if they carry-on extra bags. For the hard core abusers, placing them in the crying baby section would work too. I bet none of those characters would exceed carry-ons after 3 hours of in flight baby crying. I also think it might be fun to make the carry-on abusers watch endless reruns of that inane flight orientation film in which we are taught how to buckle the seat belt.
Why! If the airlines want to pay me I could be the annoying passenger to the baggage hogs. I would sit next to them and rant about how much I hate cell phones....for three hours. I guarantee they would bring only one bag the next time. It's all in the name of clearing the aisles and providing room for the sane passengers who follow baggage rules. Hmmmmmmm I have some other flight ideas too, but I think if I told the airlines they might send the crazy squad to apprehend and evaluate me. So you get to hear them instead. Aren't you lucky today? It probably makes you want to grab a flight and get away from me.
Just remember, there are CARRY-ON BAG LIMITS....................

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