Monday, June 29, 2009

A Mailing Observation

Something about junk mail today, not junk E mail but junk snail mail. I am noticing a difference between my regular junk junk and my E mail junk mail, something that you may not be subject to there but is the standard in the U.S. You see, my junk E mail gives me a dose of everything. I get spam mail about penis enlargers as well as breast implants (I must be versatile if they think I need both). There are days when I am asked to invest in expensive stocks but also to apply for a loan. You get the idea, all areas are covered when they send out that junk. But the same is not true with junk mail sent by regular post.
Regular post junk mail is targeted by age, sex, income, interests and affiliation, most probably because it is expensive for the marketers to send it. Since junk mail is very inexpensive to send in mass mailings, I continue to get ads asking if I want bigger breasts (I haven't decided if I do or don't). This makes junk mail fun and explains why I like it and dislike the regular junk mail I receive among the bills and letters I get each day. There is no fun in sifting through and opening mail that targets me as a buyer of their products, most of which I have no interest in. But the E mail junk is often weird, interesting and funny. I see it as entertainment they send me without charge.
Hmmmm I wish I could tell my postman to bring me those offers to enlarge my breasts or to make my legs look sexier....I need excitement when opening snail mail to offset all the bills I have to open and pay. If only the snail mailers would study the spam mailer's techniques I would be excited when I retrieved my mail each day (hehe...and would have bigger breasts and nicer legs too). For me there is treasure in junk..junk mail, that is.
Wow! Teachers must be strict in Italy!! According to the news today a teacher in Milan is under criminal investigation for allegedly using scissors to cut the tongue of a second-grader for talking in class. The 7-year-old boy, who has not been publicly identified, needed six stitches in his tongue from incident, said Piero Porciani, a lawyer for the child's parents, who are a Tunisian couple. The teacher, 22 and also unidentified, is being investigated for suspected voluntary harm of the boy. Porciani told The Associated Press by telephone from Milan that the teacher has been suspended from the school while the incident is investigated. The mother has said in TV interviews that her son is exhibiting a fear of knives in the kitchen after his tongue was cut. "He's not eating, he's not sleeping, he doesn't want to go school. He cries a lot because of the pain," Porciani said.
Italian news reports said the teacher, who was assisting the main instructor, repeatedly asked the child to be quiet when her colleague left the classroom briefly. When the boy continued to talk and move about the classroom, the teacher allegedly told the child she would take scissors to his tongue, then told him to stick out his tongue when he refused to quiet down. Clip!! She then cut his tongue (Thank goodness you can't clip me for writing too much of this kind of stupidity in my E mails)
"It's an absolutely unjustifiable act that calls for zero tolerance," said Anna Maria Dominici, the school superintendent for Lombardy, the region that includes Milan. According to Porciani, the teacher said she didn't mean to cut the tongue.
The teacher claimed she was only joking by talking about using the scissors. I doubt that defense from the teacher will "cut her prison time" when she is judged.

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