Monday, June 29, 2009

Paris Di

The media went ape yet again about the late Princess Diana. That's because of the recent 10 year memorial mass and other tributes to her. I don't get it. Princess Di was nothing more or less than the Paris Hilton of England, all show and no substance. Since I disliked the woman greatly I should show you the Paris/Di link. Hehe It's cruel but fun. And since Paris has compared herself to Di in the media (albeit in a different way than I will) I think I should slander both Paris and Diana too.
Both Di and Paris were chased by paparazzi eager to film their vacuous behavior, and both encouraged, even courted that coverage. Neither one had much education or understanding of the world around them, and both didn't seem to care as long as the cameras got their pretty images right. Of course the obvious...... both were the quintessential dumb blondes.
Coverage of Diana ended when she was killed after media chasing she and Dody (another lover Di tried to hide from the press) were too eager for the latest immoral plunder by Diana and seemed to precipitate the wild ride in that Limo that ended with a fatal crash. I always wondered why Diana was running away from the media that day. She so relished courting their attention. It would have been more in character for her to stop and let the press take a few photos. Oh....I guess there were no AIDS babies for her to f hold that day.... And since her infamous prison stretch Paris has seemed to die too. One had a physical death , the other a symbolic one. Let's hope that neither is resurrected!
Paris made herself famous with a porno tape of her having wild sex. Diana made herself sympathetic by falsely accusing her husband of immoral behavior with other women, while she herself had multiple affairs with men. Let's just say that neither Paris nor Diana is a sympathetic figure if one examines their lives objectively.
Princess Di pretended to "save the children" and engaged in other empty media shows about her "love of the people'. When the cameras rolled Diana was there to express compassion. When the cameras left it was back into her limo for the next rendezvous with her latest lover. Paris manipulated the media differently, but has established herself as the simpleton who shows the people what is hot and what is not. Neither lady did anything of substance, and both had the media infatuated with their empty gestures and mindless extravagance. Haha I guess if Paris were asked today about Princess Di she would utter her mantra... "She's Hot!"
Paris Hilton has been America's Princess while Princess Di had turned herself in to the Princess of the World. Both have fooled a great number of people by use of crafted media images that titillated the unkowning and presented a sympathetic characterization. While Princess Di was the mistress of lies and innuendo against those she opposed (mostly the Royal family) Paris has also been sued a few times for her own careless accusations.
Both Diana and Paris are "victims:". Diana created the lie of the neglected and abused princess.....even her death being blamed on the media who chased here, while Paris will long be remembered for her "But Mom!! It's Not Fair! cries after being sentenced to jail for her egregiously bad and unsafe behavior behind the wheel of a car.
So there you have it! Paris is really Diana and Diana is Paris. But the odd aspect to those two princesses is that those who worship one of the princesses seem to despise the other. Have you noticed that? They love Di and hate Paris or vice versa. I guess people need a princess in their lives and if a worthy one isn't available they will create another. So who is the next princess to be? I am not sure, but whomever it is I am sure it will be a better one than those two reprobates ever were.

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