Monday, June 29, 2009

Time Capsule

Delgado Community College here in New Orleans has put together a two year Hurricane Katrina Time Capsule. It has various reminders form the storm and articles from the two year anniversary and it will be opened in 10 years. I am not sure why anyone would place a time capsule in the ground and then open it so soon after it has been created. But I guess it is away of marking the two year anniversary.
Residents who wanted to share documents, pictures, or other memorabilia to be placed in the time capsule have done so, but since it is a small box most of what will be placed will be items like pictures related to the storm. In most of history time capsules usually are lost due to thievery, secrecy or poor planning. But of course this small one won't be.
I have never participated in placing anything in a time capsule and wonder about the usefulness of them now. The internet, mass media, transportation, secure museums etc,...make them more of a novelty item and more of an adventure for individuals than a a serious endeavor for historians. Most often today, kids make them in school and at home (the family time capsule to record the history of it as the child grows). Otherwise, is it not obsolete? Besides, most time capsules that are intentionally established usually do not provide much useful historical information. They are typically filled with "useless junk", new and pristine in condition, that tells little about the people of the time. The accidental finds of archeologists are what give humans most of their information about what a society was doing in the past.
What would you put in a time capsule if you had to create one for today's date? You might remember that Yahoo did this for the year 2006 last year and turned it over to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC where it will be opened in 25 years. But you have to come up with one for me today. It can be personal or a time capsule relating to matters of the world. This is homework.....don't tell me tomorrow that the dog ate your homework....use your imagination and create one.
I shall not give any ides about what I would put in one, so you can think for yourself as to what would be the best for you. Hurry up! Time is running out on your time capsule assignment.

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