Monday, June 22, 2009

Saddam Death Video

Have you seen the videos of the Saddam Hussein execution? They are being shown constantly on news outsets here and on the net. I have seen and been sickened by both the cell phone tape of it and the official version. It is most revealing and of course I now "punish" you (At least you will live after reading it) with my observations about it.
First, I have remark about the infamous cell phone again intruding on private proceedings, both large and small. It is the cell phone camera version which was taken illicitly and which is making the rounds on the Internet, that most defines the execution and has caused so much controversy about it. Sigh...In my view the intrusion of a private cell phone camera on a serious proceeding like Saddam's execution is an appalling misuse of that technology. It trivializes the importance of the event and whomever used the phone to tape it should be severely punished for taking that video.
Has the cell phone now made executions public spectacles again? I wonder if the video of Saddam's death as shown to us by a cell phone camera isn't a symbol of how that gadget has taken over our lives, engulfed us and taken away every shred of privacy and decency humans once had. Even monsters like Saddam deserve a dignified execution. I wonder if that video showing the fanatical Saddam haters behave so inhumanly toward a condemned man will make us think that Saddam was less evil than those in Iraq who hate him. What a transfer of guilt that is!
The phone showed footage of the guards who were assisting in the hanging shouting "Go to Hell" to Saddam, chanting the name of a Shi'ite leader Saddam had murdered during his reign, and in general showing the ugly exchange between Saddam and the Shi'ite attendees at the execution. In effect, the video portrayed Saddam as the dignified and brave victim to a group of crazed blood-thirsty killers. What a terrible irony the video of the hanging brings to any human who wishes to see it.
Surely, one the purposes of invading Iraq was not to make Saddam a sympathetic figure. But with the inhuman manner in which he was hanged it has done so. In my view, this video does more damage to the cause of "leaving Iraq as a civilized and lawful society" when the foreign occupation ends than anything that has happened since Bush's stupid invasion of Iraq.
I think anyone who sees the tape must wonder what the future of that country will be. The hated dictator, now a sympathetic figure to many Iraqi's, will become the martyr for a new crew of zealots and misfits and Iraq will now have a symbol to encourage further indignity on it's people. It is clear from the Iraqi judicial proceedings and the manner in which Saddam was executed that Iraq is no better off than it was before the Bush invasion.
Yep! The execution tape confirms what we all suspected. "The dictator is dead! Long live the new dictators, and may they be even worse than Saddam!."

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