Monday, June 22, 2009

Best And Worst Of 2006

The 2006 villains and hero list are out. Based on a telephone poll of 1,104 adults here in the U.S. George Bush figures prominently in both categories. Bush was the hands down winner as biggest villain of the year, getting one of every four votes cast , but he also got more votes , 12 out of every 20, for hero of the year. I guess even Bush has fans, but it shows how polarized people are about him. More hate Bush but some idolize what he has done. Just for the record, Bush won the biggest villain title over both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, two enemies Bush has fixated on for years.
On the celebrity front to choose the best and worst celebrity role models the results also provide few surprises. Some of my own least favorites and most favorites were also the choices of the voters. Here are the worst role model "winners" for 2006.
1) Britney Spears- Britney got 29% of the votes for marrying K Fed, abusing her children, and forgetting to put on underwear in public. If they called me I would have cast two votes for her. 2) Paris Hilton- Paris got 18 % for worst role model. No doubt she is disappointed and will try harder to win next year. The latest drunk driving charge last September wasn't enough to push her past Britney. maybe Paris should get out her video camera and make another sex tape. I think a Paris/ Britney sex romp in living color would make them both unbeatable in the 2007 worst role model race.
3) Mel Gibson- Mel's anti Semitic tirade at police as he was being arrested for drunk driving wasn't enough to make him the winner. Perhaps Mel was too selective and should have cast hate talk on all ethnic and religious groups that he hasn't anointed as being his equal.
4) Michael Richards- That's the actor on a TV show called Seinfeld, who in a comedy club act spewed Gibsonesque hatred toward a black heckler that turned in a ugly racist display that had everyone in the audience embarrassed to be in the same building with Richards.
5) Nicole Richie- Nicole sneaked into the top five with 5% for her performance as a bulimic, drug addicted former ingenue and Paris Hilton buddy. Nicole sunk so low that even parish dumped her because she felt being with Nicole made even her look like a tramp.
6) Kevin Federline- Britney's soon to be ex and father of countless children with countless air heads like Britney got 4% of the vote. K Fed has no known talent, other than impregnating ladies, but his attempt to enter the music field with a just released record album has caused nary a ripple among consumers. K Fed has sold less than 1000 albums so far. I suggest the 1000 buyers be apprehended and be given sanity tests as soon as possible.
7) Lindsey Lohan- Lindsey, the dysfunctional, immature self affected former Disney star an now full time tramp is so self absorbed that when here in New Orleans for a movie shoot, ordered than no women on the set dare raise their head and look at Lindsey eye to eye. A few did and were fired immediately by the director to please Lindsey. She got 4% of the vote this year but I expect this poor troubled soul to immolate herself completely in 1007.
8) Aneglina Jolie- I might have selected her number one. Can Angelina say "pretentious"? She should because she is the definition of the word. I don't get anything about her, She is not attractive, she is not smart, she has little personality and her acting skills are undistinguished. But the media loves her enough to stalk her every move. What more could an ambitious actress want than that.
The categories for best role model aren't so much fun. We a don't expect spoiled celebrities to be truly nice and good people because most act like spoiled brats. But there are good ones out there. Here are the best role model celebrities for 2006.
1) Oprah Winfrey- The talk show host and philanthropist who got 29% of the votes, recently gave $40 toward the establishment of a leadership academy for girls in South Africa, has been self effacing, kind and genuine towards everyone. Hmmmmmm How does she survive in Hollywood?
2) Michael Fox- the family man who suffers from tremors due to Parkinson disease was criticized by a political commentator for "faking tremors for affect" while promoting funding for stem cell research projects, yet turned the other cheek and showed class that few in his profession have. Michael would have gotten my vote for number one positive role model. 23% of the voters this year choose him number one
3) George Clooney- George got 12 % for advocating for refugees in war- ravaged Darfu, in the Sudan. Whether he is sincere or not, at least George does productive things in his free time.
4) Angelina Jolie- Yep, Angelina made both lists getting 8% of the best role model vote. Just like Bush...but then I think those two are equally awful, so for me there is something symbolic about both of them making each list in 2006.
5) Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes- The new couple got 2% each. I would tell you why they got the vote but I honestly can't find anything about either that is admirable. Most weird might be a better category for Tom and Katie.
There is it ....of course I hope you realize it is tongue in cheek. Any comments? Agreements or disagreements?

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