Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Too Much Anna Nicole For me

Thank God she has finally been buried!! The Anna Nicole Smith coverage is becoming a frenzy. I am sorry that she died so suddenly, leaving an infant mother less, but why is that woman so important to the media, and to the people who love to read about her? Newspapers, magazines, TV and web sites have devoted more coverage to her death in the week following it than to any other single subject.
Is this a reflection of the disinterest in reporting on what is important and the low level of people who seek news? I think three people now have claimed they are the father of he now deceased Anna's baby, each of course seeking the million that will go with being named daddy. Hmmmmm Maybe I should throw my name in the ring too. Hehe Never mind! Who wants to be in the Anna Nicole three ring circus anyway?
All the angles on Anna (who at best was a self promoting dysfunctional person) are being examined by the once respectable mainstream media which can't seem to get enough of the silly while ignoring what really matters to our lives. What used to be supermarket tabloid news is now deemed serious and important by the legitimate mediums. These days, all media is under competitive pressure from the 24 hour cable news and web sites, so that means the Anna Nicole's and pop culture icons become the center news broadcasts.
The media now seeks the lowest common denominator and can't seem to resist reporting anything that happens to the frivolous celebrity that have helped create. Sigh..This distresses me. What about you?
Well that stupid American idea- Reality TV has finally gone too far. It's bad enough the show is imitated in practically every country in the globe, but the reality concept just keeps getting more an more...welll....unreal. Proof of that is in China where a new reality TV show enterprise was just announced at the local menagerie.
Yep. A Chinese zoo is going to hold a reality style competition with a difference -- the contestants have to live in a monkey enclosure. Six people will live with the monkeys in the zoo in the northwestern province of Shaanxi "to experience the lack of freedom the animals have," according to the China Daily newspaper.
The last person remaining will win 11,888 yuan ($1,534 ) and title of honorary animal lover (and probably 'Honorary Idiot'), the newspaper said. "It is the first such activity in China, and anyone from 18 to 60 years of age, in good psychological condition with wild animal protection and survival knowledge may participate," the report said. It's a good thing the qualifications didn't mention "good mental health". I doubt if anyone with an IQ above that of an ape would bother with that kind of reality.

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