Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Most Unwanted Inventions

What do you think is the worst modern invention? I refer to common inventions we use today. Parade magazine asked that question of readers and 2000 have selected their favorite "worst". They are interesting to me, as some are obvious and others of would have never thought about. Anyway her are the ten with my stupid comments after each.
1. High Heel Shoes- Hehe I swear I have never worn them (or even a woman's dress) but I sure would hate to spend any time in them. We men love this invention because it makes a woman's legs look sexy. But I guess the millions of women who have damage to feet because of them would like to give them to me to wear instead.
2. Jet Skis- Those motorized and often loud personal skis that annoy everyone who wants to look out onto the water, not see a fat guy's big but flopping on jet skis.
3. Leaf Blowers- They do clean an area of grass and light debris, but the noise is awful I wonder if people who use leaf blowers every day have any hearing left. I think the noise pollution from leaf blowers is probably more real than trendy global warming that pollutes my brain every day.
4. Automated Telephone Assistance- You know this one. Businesses (and now shockingly, even some physician's offices) use it to avoid answering your inquiry call. The caller weeds through endless irrelevant "options" before finally choosing the correct "option", and not only doesn't reach a real person, but is told "your call is important to us, so please hold on." Ha! If I were important to you, there would be someone hired to talk to me.
5. Television- They idiot box that is the vast wasteland of the intellect would have be be classified as a great technology gone bad. It's not that all TV programming is bad, but the majority of it is just dumb and a waste of time. Maybe Reality TV and Idol is the cancer that killed if for many former viewers.
6. Video Games- I never play them, so I can't rant about them. But as teacher I know that kids who play too many of them become isolated and unable to communicate normally with others. Listening skills drop dramatically in those kids. They may be an intellectual exercise but are anathema to learning socialization skills.
7. Bass Amplifiers- I would have never picked this as one of the worst inventions because I never notice it much anymore. It used to come in the form of those big boom boxes that blared unwanted music, but now I hear it mostly in automobiles driven by teenagers and Cretans of all ages who just can't understand that I don't want to hear their music but rather want them to turn the volume down.
8. Neckties- These make no sense and are the "high heels" men must endure. Neckties serve no purpose other than to strangle or to make uncomfortable male necks. Who could have invented this torture? No wonder no one can name the inventor. He probably was strangled with a necktie by an enraged wearer and then buried in an unmarked grave.
9. Car Alarms- What use are they except to awaken sleeping neighbors at 3 am? Car thieves can dismantle them easily and even if they do not they often ignore them because no one actually thinks they are set off by someone burglarizing the car. I say, shoot the owner of the car with the alarm, not the car thief!
10. Cell Phones- Thank God it made the list. Of course it is number on on my hate list. Those objects, though helpful when rightly used (perhaps 1% of use is proper) ruin personal time by making us available anytime and anyplace. I don't want to be "in touch" all the time. It's unhealthy to be addicted to a phone. There is no peace, no quite, and no time for relaxing and thinking,. Besides, I wish users would stop broadcasting their conversations in my face!
There you have the top ten from parade Magazine readers. I do not think anyone would want to ban all or even most of these inventions. After all, they all have good uses to them when used properly. The problem with these inventions are that humans use them badly too often. Do you agree with all, some or none of them? Any others you want to mention that didn't make the list?

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