Monday, June 22, 2009

Giving Thanks

It's time to give thanks for the blessings we have had in 2006. No negative talk or jokes today about the problems and down time, you get too much of that from me already. What are some of the things you can be thankful for in 2006? I'll give a few of mine and wait for your own list (Don't be lazy! I want to see your list as well).
- I am thankful Jane is happy and healthy, that she has yet to enter the angst ridden teen world and has had a marvelous childhood. The childhood be have I the foundation for whether we are happy as an adult. It looks good for Jane's future.
- I am thankful that my country has finally seen the Bush administration for what it is and has elected a new government. Maybe it is the beginning of better times for America again.
- I am thankful for having my retirement. It's been a year since I gave up work and I love it,. I have the financial security to do whatever I wish, to work or not work, a dream many people never achieve.
- I am thankful for my friends on and off line, for their attention and kindness. They help substitute for not having a family anymore. In case I forget to tell you often enough, you are appreciated and special.
- I am thankful to live in a modern world largely composed of diversity, tolerance and opportunity for prosperity for most of the citizens who reside in it. The "good ole days" were nice, but more a product of our remembrances obscured by idealism and fading memory. 2006 is not a bad time in which to live.
- I am thankful my city is not yet dead and has a chance to survive of we avoid any more hurricanes and can find the leadership and help from our government.
- I am thankful for my good health, sound mind (Don't laugh! It may be slightly sound....) and continued optimism about life. That's it for me for the moment. How about your own list?????????????
To other less sanguine matters..I never have believed that slander often repeated by the French that few Germans bathe regularly. But it's one of those stereotypes that never seems to die. And now a German airline passenger has reinforced it yet again. It seems that fellow, who has never been a identified, from Dusseldorf, Germany was asked to leave his British Airways flight from Hawaii to Los Angeles (and from there back to Dusseldorf) after several passengers claimed he smelled bad.
As a result of complaints and the foul odor coming from the guy, crew members on the airline eventually ordered him off the plane, just minutes before it was to take off. At first a stewardess asked the smelly German to put on a fresh shirt, but all the shirts the odorous passenger had were in his suitcase in the plane's luggage storage.
Guess what the passenger's occupation is? Well, he smells..that's a hint...Did you guess it? He is a lawyer! That may explain the smell, but is also explains why the smelly rider filed a law suit for damages this past week. Since being booted off the plane meant a missed connection, Smelly and wife had to fork up an additional $2189 for new flights to get back to Germany.
A court ruling said that despite Smelly's contention that he had to lug three suitcases in 20 C heat and was stuck in a hot and un air-conditioned airport for three hours waiting for the flight, it was his fault his body odor necessitated being ejected from the plane. British Air regulations states that nay passenger may be refused service if he or she "has an offensive odor not caused by disability or illness."
I must say, that for a lawyer to try to prove he doesn't stink is, at best, a reach. If smelly wants to ride any more planes he would be wise to either bring a spare shirt or to just change to a less stinky profession.

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