Monday, June 22, 2009

Global Nonsense

Time for me to rant about the very questionable theory of Global Warming. This one, that amazingly has grown to be accepted by most people and which grew out of the failed 70s' belief in global cooling that was just as vehemently preached 30 years ago by zealots as irrationally as the global warmers are doing today.
I won't convince you to abandon your fervor for global warming, but I do suggest you check your facts. Most people who believe in global warming haven't done that. Instead, they parrot the lines of Hollywood celebrities or the media agenda that promise global warming as fact and disparages anyone who tries to add evidence into the equation to show such blind acceptance to be unwise., The debate over it in scientific circles is widespread and in no way is there any consensus by scientists that there is in fact a global warming of the earth. But to promote the fact that climate changes all the time, and that we are not permanently warming I present some 2006 highlights of the global warming fanatics that should make even global warming nuts cringe...
Most amusing 2006 twist to a dubious theory, that of the alleged "global warming- Two U.S. explorers went to the North Pole to study how global warming threatens polar bears. They had planned to go last year, but were forced to delay Project Thin Ice because.....of the unusually heavy snow and ice at the pole.
Second most amusing global warming hysteric in 2006- The New York Times and other news publications ran numerous stories on the "emerging hurricane problem" after monster storm hurricane Katrina hit us in 2005. But 2006 was one of the tamest hurricane seasons ever and there were no monster storms as well. So what did the New York times and others say to cover their butts after their inaccurate forecast? They said that the clam season was the result guessed it "global warming". The media and pubic fancy with the global warming theory is so unrealistic that, storms or no storms it must be global warming. Haha
Third, but not amusing, global warming hysteric of 2006- Two U.S.Senators warned Exxon-Mobil Petroleum that global warming is an "undeniable fact", so Exxon-Mobil should stop supporting research by "anyone who doubts this dangerous" kind of contrarian thinking. Oh yes, that's today's 11th commandment. "Thou shalt never doubt global warming". How dare anyone who thinks for him or herself. Break this commandment and you will spend an eternity, not in Hell, but in a freezer of a global warmers choice.
Fourth and final hysterical but amusing global warming idiocy- British Archbishop Rowan Williams (who would be better suited practicing religion, not science), warned this year of "millions, billions" of deaths as a result of global warming and threatened Prime Minister Tony Blair with the wrath of the climate God unless he acts to stop to global warming. Oh, my..soon I will have to rant that there is no such thing as a Global warming do agree with me, don't you?
I better stop now..It's getting chilly in here. Hmmmm I wonder if my heater is set too low or it's the product of global.

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