Monday, June 22, 2009

E mail 2006

I always review the year at year's end, but the year 2006 review can wait because I want to share some of the year of my E mail first. I had the usual touching/ insulting, loving/uncaring, interesting/dull series of E mails from friends and foes, strangers and acquaintances, just about every variation possible. No doubt you received the same variety of mail.
Here are some of those highlights from 2006. Be grateful you didn't receive the weird ones I did and that I enjoy them almost as much as the normal ones.
*One E mail I got was too personal and odd for a first mailing. A lady who said she was living in Moscow E mailed and introduced herself, and before the final sentence suggested we live together in bliss. Yep. By the second contact she asked if she could live with me and that she would "make me feel good" every night if so. Hehe I bet you are wondering if I accepted that offer. Anyway, when I suggested she was a bit forward (she may have been a "he" scam artist who intended to ask for money sometime soon after that first mailing) I preferred to feel not so good at this time, I never heard from her again. I must say, the picture she sent showed a very beautiful woman. Could any man really accept such an offer?
* I heard from an old E mail friend who begged forgiveness for disappearing without word and not writing and then never answered my forgiving reply. It was odd to make contact that way so many years later and then never follow up on the E mail. But the E mail venue gives latitude for that kind of rudeness.
* My spam is still going strong and 2006 was a good year for spam artists to send me E mail offers that suggest my penis needed enlarging. Hmmmmmm How do they no such things? They do have quit a few medications and devices to achieve that.. Again, I wonder how many men actually buy any of those. It has to be quite a few because the solicitations from those penile spammers are endless.
* I got many nice comments too, words of affection and thank you's for little things I said or did. And I lost few E friends during the year. There were few upsets or disagreements with anyone during the year and much that was touching or inspiring from those who wrote to me. Too, I see many people to whom I write seem to care for me a great deal The idea that I am "not real" because we communicate with E mail is only held by a few of those to whom I write. It is good.
* No viruses or sabotage of my mail box this year! It must be a combination of good fortune and good virus protection programs.
* I didn't run out of stupid things to say to my E friends in 2006. This is amazing, given I rant about everything human experience today acknowledges. Too, I have some E friends that I first started writing to in 97 or 98. How can they stand me that long? Even I am sick of me after a few of my "I hate cell phone" speeches. Well, that's enough of my review. You could give me your own, but I know you won't. Sigh..I always seem to be the one who introduces the topics and stirs the discussion here. No matter. It's been fun to be with you in 2006. Thanks, and please keep writing in 2007.

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