Tuesday, June 23, 2009


For the past two months Jane has been practicing after school twice a week on the Middle School Cheer leading team. This came about when some of the middle school girls asked a teacher and one of the senior girls if they could form such a team. About 12 girls signed up and soon Jane will cheer at two of the school's basketball game. They have been practicing and are ready to cheer.
I asked Jane if I could watch her sheer at the game and she said "NOOOOOO", claiming it would embarrass her. Ha! I understand well. When I was a student I also would not let my parents watch me play baseball in middle school and basketball as a high school member of the team. Strange, because I didn't mind them watching me play music for the school band. But I thought they "might embarrass me" at the sporting events and said it would affect my performance if they showed up to watch. Most of the time my parents stayed away as I requested.
So Jane is repeating my own weird habit of not wanting my parents watching. But alas! I made a deal with her in which I will stay away from the first game in exchange for her not objecting to me watching her cheer at the second. Hehe I will bring my camera if I can get away with it, which will absolutely kill Jane with embarrassment.
But what are parents for? Aren't we supposed to embarrass them all....
From the stupid crime of the month department comes news that a Japanese man has stolen a police car. Haha I think it might be a little hard to hide that one. The brain challenged thief told police he stole a patrol car that had been left idling outside a post office in Gunma, north of Tokyo, because he was too tired to walk home.
Police officers had left the vehicle in the car park with the engine running, while they investigated a report that a stolen card had been used at the post office. "I came out shopping by train, but I got tired walking, so I thought I would drive the police car home," the man told police. He was apprehended about 15 minutes later in the driveway of a private home, about 4 kms from the post office.
Thank God that guy didn't get tired while he was shopping in the bra department of the mall store next to the post offic

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